UPND SUPPORTERS IT WAS NICE THEN KA? ====================================== A local Non-Governmental Organisation, Zambia Voice has charged that President Michael Sata is finding it hard to fight corruption because he is surrounded by corrupt officials. In a statement, Zambian Voice Executive Director Chilufya Tayali stated that there is no doubt that President Sata has a genuine zeal to fight corruption. “We have no doubt that President Michael Sata mean to fight corruption but he is surrounded by corrupt people,” Mr. Tayali said. “For whatever alliances they signed for him to go to Plot One, President Sata appears like he is now held hostage in State House by these thieves, crooks, schemas who steal in broad day light while the Zambian people are watching,” he said. Mr. Tayali observed that while other corruption investigations are still pending while others are still being investigated by compromised officers from ACC and the Task force while other cases are being discussed in the public domain and nothing is being done about. “Let me hasten to point out here that we have very good junior offices in our Police and ACC but as they say, “The fish start rotting from the head”, the top people in these institutions are the ones who are corrupt more because they are brought in by these thieves and schemas who are holding our President at ransom for helping him to get into power.” Mr. Tayali reminded President Sata that he was not put in State House by the thieving party and government officials. “Mr. Sata don’t bow to any these opportunists who will destroy your legacy as a no nonsense man, hard worker and Christian. Look how these people have started fighting for Presidency as if we have one more year to elections and yet it’s only a year since we changed Govt,” he said. He said it is regrettable that the same people already started scheming so that they can position their own to be next President using their usual tricks. lusakatimes/2012/10/18/sata-hostage-presidenttayali/
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 06:40:10 +0000

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