Uit het culinair rariteitenkabinet: geroosterde kat (Libre del - TopicsExpress


Uit het culinair rariteitenkabinet: geroosterde kat (Libre del Coch, 1520). Probeer dit niet thuis uit, lieve lezers van deze facebookgroep! Merk op dat de auteur van dit recept ook worstelt met het feit dat men niet gewoon is om katten te eten Roast Cat as You Wish to Eat It. You will take a cat that is fat, and decapitate it. And after it is dead, cut off the head and throw it away because it is not for eating, for they say that eating the brains will cause him who eats them to lose his senses and judgment. Then flay it very cleanly, and open it and clean it well, and then wrap it in a cloth of clean linen. And bury it beneath the ground where it must be for a day and a night; and then take it out of there and set it to roast on a spit. And roast it over the fire. And when beginning to roast it, grease it with good garlic and oil. And when you finish greasing it, whip it well with a green twig , and this must be done before it is well-roasted, greasing it and whipping it. And when it is roasted, cut it as if it were a rabbit or a kid and put it on a big plate; and take garlic and oil blended with good broth in such a manner that it is well-thinned. And cast it over the cat. And you may eat of it because it is very good food.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 08:43:48 +0000

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