Under my leadership, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador - TopicsExpress


Under my leadership, the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador will take steps to encourage population growth in the province. Population Growth Strategy The Population Growth Strategy office has been doing research and identifying issues faced by people living here, by former residents who have moved away, by potential immigrants, and by residents who want to raise a family here. Common themes have been identified, and a What We Heard document was recently released. The office’s next step is to formulate and release recommendations to address these issues. Those recommendations are being formulated, but once released action needs to be taken. As Premier, I commit to careful consideration of all Population Growth Strategy recommendations. I also commit to responding to those recommendations, and to taking action on those recommendations. Even before the Population Growth Strategy recommendations are known, we can take early actions to make the province a better place to live in, move to, and to raise a family in. Business Innovation and entrepreneurship need to be supported so that business owners can succeed in their home communities. Too many people from our province have felt the need to move elsewhere to reach their full economic potential. I commit to implementing economic policies that will support business development and foster innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador. Immigration Immigrants contribute to our economy, and contribute to the diversity of our culture. Newfoundland and Labrador must be an attractive destination for immigrants choosing to move to Canada, and for people wishing to move within Canada. A balanced approach is necessary, to maximize opportunities for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, while encouraging growth through immigration to help expand and diversify the economy. I commit to engaging with the federal government to grow the Newfoundland and Labrador provincial nominee program, and to working with local businesses to meet labour market needs. Child care Child care can be a tremendous expense. Daycare spaces are scarce, and waiting lists can be long. As Premier, I commit to helping more daycare centres open, where people and communities can work together on quality, affordable child care. Building Communities When people are able to prosper where they are, their communities become desirable places to live. When people can access education, health care, transportation, and affordable healthy food, communities can grow. When people can find meaningful employment at home, instead of having to travel to remote locations, we are a stronger province. Through my Premier’s Summits, I will discuss these issues with people in diverse communities across Newfoundland and Labrador. My full review of the transportation system will identify infrastructure investments needed to support rural communities and ensure that people can prosper throughout the province. Together, we can find solutions. Population growth doesn’t just touch on one issue. It encompasses many others, from economic diversification to transportation, from education to health care and employment. We need to consider many things when creating an environment where families and business can flourish, and communities can grow.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 19:36:46 +0000

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