Unfortunately, this study is funded by yogurt-maker, Dannon. - TopicsExpress


Unfortunately, this study is funded by yogurt-maker, Dannon. Therefore, I would read the full study before making any life-altering decisions based on it as, clearly, they have a vested interest in the outcome. However, I wouldnt dismiss it without further investigation either as sometimes, these companies are the only ones researchers can obtain funding from for nutrition studies. I think that that trend will change, I hope it will, but for now... One of the doctors I work with received NIH funding to study the effects of Vitamin C on Acute Lung Injury patients, so change IS coming. Anyway, THIS article discusses findings that show that eating probiotics (in the form of yogurt) changes the way your brain functions. It doesnt really claim whether the changes are good or bad, but it does prove that changing you gut flora changes your brain function. This is excellent progress in the area of study I am very interested in, and that is the effect of your food/nutrition/digestion on psychological, behavioral and developmental disorders. So, yeah, excited science geek over here :-) newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/changing-gut-bacteria-through-245617
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 18:07:00 +0000

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