Union via Psychic Control ( Raja Yoga ) Union via Psychic - TopicsExpress


Union via Psychic Control ( Raja Yoga ) Union via Psychic Control is known as Raja Yoga. Raja means King and this Yoga is defined as the Regal Yoga or the king of all the yogas. Raja Yoga has eight limbs called Ashtanga Yoga. Yama - Observance of Right Conduct ( Non-violence, Truth, Non- covetousness, continence, not receiving donations ) Niyama - Meditation, Self-Study, contentment, purity internal & external, & reverence for the Lord Asanas - Physical exercises that relax and tone up our muscles Pranayama - Breath control exercises that slows our breathing and regulates the flow of Prana Pratyahara - Withdrawal from the outer world or disconnecting the mind from the sensory world. Dharana Concentration Dhyana - Meditation Samadhi - Achievement of Cosmic Consiousness. Without control of the mind, nothing spiritual can be achieved. Mind binds, mind liberates.Mind is the cause of all bondage. Controlling mind is the most difficult thing in the world. You may be able to control everything but never the mind. Mind is subtle matter,according to Indian Philosophy. ( Indian Philsophy is a humiliating term given to the twelve positive sciences in the Vedas ). There are many definitions of mind. One definition is that Mind is finer matter in vibration. Another definition is that Mind is a steady stream of thoughts. We can say that, like a river flowing, continous thought flow is Mind. Mind has been compared to a monkey. It jumps from one thing to another. Controlling this monkey is very difficult due to its jumping nature. More at eastrovedica/html/fourfold_yoga3.htm
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 03:53:23 +0000

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