Update My Preferences | Tell-A-Friend | Visit FairTax.org - TopicsExpress


Update My Preferences | Tell-A-Friend | Visit FairTax.org Recently I shared some information with you about the exciting new Repeal 16 coalition focused on ending the IRS and repealing the 16th Amendment. I am excited to tell you that the Coalition has advised me that your initial response was overwhelming! Within days of your receiving my message more than 5,000 FairTax® Patriots signed the Repeal 16 petition, 6,000 Repeal 16 “likes” hit their Facebook page and nearly 100 Repeal 16 financial gifts were generously given. The prairie fire has begun - with each passing hour, more and more citizens like you are signing up to join the Repeal 16 Coalition. In fact, I just received word that based on this initial response; the Coalition team has set a goal of 10,000 petition signers by early next week. I am confident they will meet their goal. Did you see last week’s Wall Street Journal article on whom the IRS is now targeting? You simply won’t believe it. The IRS is now targeting Veterans organizations. You read that correctly - Veterans organizations. According to the article, veterans are being targeted for paperwork that they were never required to file in the first place. Imagine – targeting the men and women who put themselves in harms way for you and me – for bureaucratic paperwork they were never required to file. And what happens if Veterans organizations don’t immediately comply with the IRS’ latest demands? They are fined $1,000 per day. This is but one more example of an IRS gone wild. The time is now! If you didn’t get a chance to sign the Repeal 16 petition, it’s not too late. Simply visit Repeal16.org to express your support for ending the IRS and repealing the 16th Amendment. If you have already signed the petition, please consider forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues. If you tweet and Facebook you can also support Repeal 16 via Twitter and Facebook. Americans For Fair Taxation® proudly and aggressively advocates the FairTax as the only viable tax replacement plan before Congress. The recent wave of new HR 25 / S 122 co-sponsors, including the entire Kansas Congressional delegation, is further evidence of the impact we are having towards seeing the FairTax become the law of the land. And, we are grateful for the added opportunity Repeal 16 provides to shed additional light on the destructive nature of the IRS and 16th Amendment to our nation and her citizenry. The FairTax has the most enthusiastic and committed supporters of any tax reform movement in the country. Last week you proved that once again. Thank you for your longstanding, fearless support of fundamental tax reform. I’m grateful to have you on our team. Yours in the FairTax, Cynthia T. Canevaro - Cindy Cynthia T. Canevaro
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 23:09:36 +0000

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