Update on Brock... sorry we have been slackers on keeping everyone - TopicsExpress


Update on Brock... sorry we have been slackers on keeping everyone updated. It is hard emotionally to have him in the hospital as much as he has been, so we have just been posting daily things but not really an update, also Lindsay only has her phone in the hospital and it is a lot of work to post much from a phone. Brock went back into the hospital on Friday Jan. 2nd. He had been throwing up a little (not good when you have nothing but minimal water going into it) He also had diarrhea for over 24 hours and had completely quit peeing... so he went to the hospital for hydration and to check all of his levels to make sure he was ok. They kept him because he wasnt doing as well at home as they hoped. When they sent him home on December 21st he was not really ready to go home but his Genetics doctor wanted him home for the holidays and was super concerned Brock would get the flu or RSV in the hospital. He was working toward getting to a rate of 65 on his feeds but never got over a 57 at home. He also wasnt gaining weight at home. So now that he is back in the hospital in order to get to come home they have a goal of getting up to the 65 rate on feeds through his j tube and for him to have an acceptable output amount from his g tube and an increased activity level. They made one big change in what they are trying this time, they were taking fluids (mostly bile) from his g tube farrell bag and putting it into his j tube to help break down the formula so his body could process it easier. They are now putting that fluid directly into his formula so that it begins to break the food down like it would in his stomach and hoping for it to absorb better in the intestines. A few days ago it all seemed to be working and we had great hope that he would be home by this weekend. However in the world of Brock nothing goes as one would think it should... he is starting to show signs of intolerance again. His out put is way too much and his gut is being hard, enlarged and slow bowel sounds... on the upside his activity level has increased to be acceptable... which is good not that Lindsay finds it easy to have an active 3 year old cooped up in a hospital room day after day. Well thats all I can think of if I missed anything Lindsay and Bryan please update my update.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 20:09:25 +0000

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