Update on Mom: Mom is still in Mass General as there have been - TopicsExpress


Update on Mom: Mom is still in Mass General as there have been some complications. After my last post in which things seemed to be heading in the right direction, my mom developed several things that have the doctors baffled. Several of her knuckles swelled up about 5 days after the surgery as did her right arm, left arm and bottom of her right foot. Initially, the thought this was because of emboli (either in the form of clots, plaque or bacteria that broke off or formed after her heart value replacement / pace make procedure) They stated that with this type of surgery, this sometimes happens and it is call a shower of emboli that ends up in the outer extremities. Several biopsies and blood cultures have been completed to this point which has left my mom with stitches where they have removed some of these mystery lumps and they are still trying to figure it all out. The initial test results showed that there was no significant bacteria so that ruled out infection but they have not ruled it out definitively yet. The tests did not show that there was any plaque or blood clots in the fingers so now the rheumatology team is involved to see if this is some kind of auto immune reaction that her body is having which cause the body to essentially fight against itself. The Dermatology and cardiology teams have both stated that this is beyond their scope and it looks like they may be bringing the hematology and the pulmonary team into the mix next. The swelling in the right arm subsided but they did find what they believe to be a blood clot in her upper right arm which would explain that swelling. The left arm is a mystery and they are still looking into the possible causes of that as well. My mom is very discouraged and is questioning why she even had this done and we are doing our best as a family to keep her spirits up and to keep her mentally in the game so that she wants to continue the fight vs. giving up. It has been very difficult for her. We have been by her side constantly and advocating on her behalf. Ironically, her heart has recovered incredible from the surgery but its this other stuff that is keeping her in the hospital and in pain. The areas I am referring to look so painful and raw. :( - It’s tough also because she needs to get up and walk to help her recovery from the surgery go better (in terms of her overall conditioning) but the bottom of her right foot is so swollen and raw that this hinders her ability to walk. Please continue to keep my mom and the doctors in your thoughts and prayers. My family appreciates you all! Especially those of you who have reached out personally via text, phone or private FB messages. I will send another update soon.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:10:50 +0000

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