Utterly Inspirational - Alice really is an amazing woman, just a - TopicsExpress


Utterly Inspirational - Alice really is an amazing woman, just a week ago me & Thomas listened to an interview with Vanessa Feltz with this womans best friend and famous Cellist Anita Lasker-Wallfish - She too survived the holocaust but in the infamous Auschwitz camp, her life only being spared as she was needed for her cello playing in the camps propaganda orchestra. Of course the stories she told where horrific and yet inspirational however we both where amazed by this womans moxy, she had so little time for many of Vanessas silly questions trying to Hollywood tint the real horror of her experiences and explained how it was worse than we ever could imagine, how even up until Alices death both of them had no want of possession, or need for things in the 70yrs that followed their liberation still after everything (just as Alice showed in her documentary) held a huge huge faith in humanity, people, hope and most importantly music - i found the way they both explained how music saved them utterly moving and inspiring, stating the nazis could kill her and everyone she knew but they could never kill the music and while it lived on so did they she also stated she and Alice where Jews but Music was their religion .. i personally think that is an amazing statement and yet again shows in a time where the arts are being cut, classed as a silly pursuit, a chance for stardom and bird studies whose degrees mean little PROVES not only the power of music but the need for it to be stimulated and grown in the darkest reaches of society to offer hope and chance to those who need it most - If you get the chance watch/ listen/ read the interviews with these women and others like them - let them show us how easy some of us have it and are taking it for granted and for those who dont have it easy at all that there is always the chance of light at the end of the struggle you just have to survive - Amazing women - share their sentiments give them a look up, Play music, SING, Dance, perform, create and go out your way to listen and share the memories of those like them!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 18:20:37 +0000

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