VALLEY EAST MAY SOON HAVE A YOUTH CENTRE AGAIN Sylvie Chenier started up this special group for people who are interested in getting the Valley East Youth Centre going again. I would encourage anyone with an interest in helping with this initiative to join the group and join in on the conversation. I promised to do what I could to help boost this drive and had a chance to meet with officials from the City of Greater Sudbury this afternoon. Chris Gore, Manager of Community Partnerships and one of his assistants, Mark Vainio, have been reading all of the posts on this site and the Valley East site and they have been extremely impressed with the overwhelming support that has been indicated by people of all ages. They will be examining several locations that we discussed and will be taking steps to secure one of the sites which fits into the existing budget and which provides for easy access for our youth. The site selection process is expected to be completed very soon. We all felt that it was important to get the Valley East Youth Centre back up and running as soon as possible to take full advantage of the support that has been demonstrated by the community. The site will be a temporary location so that we can review everything in six months and decide whether to remain there or find another location. The Valley East Youth Centre wont be a temporary initiative, but we wanted to at least get things up and running. We can review the site location later. The important thing is to get it going. Once the site is secure we will organize a public meeting to explain the protocol and programs and to develop a plan of action moving forward. The City has all of the furniture and equipment that was used in the former Youth Centre so that wont be a problem. Staff will be provided to supervise the Centre and lead in the programs. The volunteers who have committed to work with the youth and to provide additional programs will certainly be utilized. This has been a tremendous community-driven initiative and I am extremely proud to be part of such a caring, dedicated group. Knowing that the Valley East Youth Centre has the support of the entire community, including the youth, makes the work that is needed to be done by staff so much easier. The hard part is getting the support of the community and we sure have that. I am hoping to have news of a site location very soon. In the meantime, please continue to share your ideas and let us know what you can do to help out with providing programs/workshops, helping out with homework/assignments, fundraising, activity supervision, etc. We also want to spread the word to the youth in our community that the Youth Centre is coming back. https://facebook/groups/769953063058148/
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 22:47:39 +0000

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