VIA ARIFF BIN MOHD AZLAN & SITI FATIMAH AZZAHRA BT MOHD NAZRI [UPDATE ON MANIFESTO] Students’ Representative Council 2012/2013 Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design 1. To upgrade KAED Facilities – a. From the analysis from the previous survey conducted before, the issue of insufficient, damages and unmaintained facilities in the Kuliyyah has been raised and disucssed with the management of KAED during the meeting between KAED Students’ Representatives and the administration. This issue has been raised by the Kuliyyah to the upper level of the University. Due to the some circumstances that cannot be avoided, the university will add, maintain and replace thoce lacking facilities accordingly by phase. Insya Allah we will still following for any update from the managements. 2. To promote the Islamic Environment in KAED. a. For this tenure, we have collaborate with the Bereau Of Da’wah and Training from Archimic society on discussing and planning the Islamic program within the KAED for the tenure. Alhamdullihah, with the permission from the management and their supports, we can fully utilised the KAED Gallery for any Islamic events that will organised. For the time being we have organised the serial Talaqqi programs at the galerry every Thursday night that disucssing about Fiqh Ibadah and aqidah. The talaqqi are open for all students.However, th program was stoped for a while during the thirs semester and Insya Allah will be continue for the next coming long semester. 3. To provide the entrepreneur platform for KAED students. a. A proposal have been made to proposed a students kiosk in KAED. However due to some circumstabces, the proposal should be revised. Then few meeting being organised with th Entrepreneur Bereau of Archimic society and come out with the idea of KAED outlet. Alhamdulillah the proposal was approved by the kuliyah. As there is no suitable room or class for that matter, the operation is online uder the supervision of the Archimic society. 4. To create safety environment for especially for Sister. a. Due to the safety issue that happend among sisters lately, we have decided to organised the ‘Save Our Sisters (SOS)’ project for this tenure. It is to create awareness among IIUM community pertaining to the Sisters’ safety. Many programs has been organised under this project such as the self defense demostrations, Sister,s day, Sisters’ council, Down to Earth, SOS facebook group and spreading regularly tips and advice to students. Thank you for your supports and commitments. Please do not hesitate to informed us if there any comments or issues that should be heard. Helps us to helps you. Jazakumullah khair. Ramadhan Kareem
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 02:50:19 +0000

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