WARNING! For all Catholics and our Dear Protestant Friends and - TopicsExpress


WARNING! For all Catholics and our Dear Protestant Friends and Family Members My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, this message is being sent to inform you of, and thus protect you from a most sinister threat that some of you may have already fallen victim to. Catholics, you need to pay special attention! There exist many Satanic FaceBook groups that have been originally set up for, or have become dominated by perverse souls who seek to exploit and manipulate true lovers of our Lord Jesus Christ. I urge you to beware of any group that presents its self as a Catholic-Protestant discussion forum. (While there are such pages that do good work, you must be able to discern the difference. We will come to this point later.) These pages are set up to pit Christian against Christian though highly combative discourses which are actually started by those doing the exploiting. This is how their scam works - a few of them take one position, presenting themselves as Protestants while others take an opposing position, presenting themselves as Catholic. They begin the debate by introducing a topic that they know both Protestants and Catholics alike feel strongly about. Then the posts start flying! Into the mix comes the innocent Christian who has asked to join the group. There are a number of ways in which the innocent is victimized in these scenarios. • First and for most, the innocent becomes engulfed in a culture of hatred and anger toward their fellow Christian, and in joining into the argument they often will end up imitating the bad example being presented by the those ‘posing’ as their allies. This is a result that is highly enjoyed by the evil perpetrators behind the scene and is meant to not just to sustain already existing divisions between the varying Christian denominations, but to expand them. Further they love thinking that they are steeling the time that Christians should be spending in prayer and the fulfillment of their daily duties. • There are a number of other exploitative benefits for the evil doers in creating these situations. Here they learn as it were, the language that Christians use to convey their faith but more importantly, they learn how to imitate them, even in their ability to quote scripture. Keep in mind dear friends that they hate the Protestant and Catholic alike. Let this be a warning – they know their stuff – they know how to deceive. • Catholics, you make the easiest targets! They love to post Catholic images and prayers that are intended to draw you in. For you, the greatest threat is to that of your Church. In these forums the evil doers learn how to look and sound like the real deal. This education allows them then to infiltrate the Church more easily, where they are able then to gradually introduce more, as well perpetuate and increase the damage they have done and are doing in the spread of their humanism and masonry, which as we know results in the wide spread decent of otherwise would be good Catholics. Once the innocent is engaged, they are probed for vulnerabilities. When the evil doers think they have found someone who is gullible and good hearted, the innocent will begin to receive friend requests from people posing as ministers, priests, nuns and charity workers. These new ‘friends’ will inevitably get around to mentioning how they are is sore need of money to perpetuate their ‘good’ work, which usually involves orphans or the poor. The innocent may receive such requests as to “meet” someone in their email site to talk. They will even be invited to have a conversation by telephone. How to avoid such groups without having to give up the opportunity of engaging in sincere dialog with your fellow Christians. • Remember – You will know them by their fruits!! (Charity, (love) joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and calmness in the face of adversity.) Look for signs of the opposite of these. If they are present, leave the group and don’t allow them to lure back in. And they will try everything to get you back! As Christians we know that Christ’s love must be ever present in our conversations with others. If a Catholic and a Protestant want to ‘hash out the differences’ between their faiths, understand that the desire to do so usually results mainly from 1) THE NEED TO BE UNDERSTOOD, and 2) THE DESIRE TO SAVE SOULS. It is important brothers and sisters that we all remember that it is the job of the Holy Spirit to lead a soul to salvation. YES, we are the tools He uses, but all we have to do is present what information He leads us to present and leave the rest to Him. It is not our job as Christians to convince others that we are right and they are wrong. We carry the message but the Holy Spirit does the work! This is important to remember because EVERY person in the debate is convinced of their faith, (which must be presented with true Christian love.) It is most likely that you will have to agree to disagree. There is nothing wrong with that. Just remember that you can maintain a loving respectful relationship anyway. • Never, never give money to anyone you meet over the internet, no matter how pitiful and needy they present themselves to be. Consider the following as a standard response to such requests: I’m sorry, I never give money to someone I meet on the internet. I preform all my charitable acts, including alms giving, only through well established organizations which are personally known to me. • And of course never agree to a telephone conversation with anyone that you don’t personally know. May the Lord Jesus Christ Bless you now and forever, and may we one day meet in heaven!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 19:01:15 +0000

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