***WARNING: SUPER LONG RANT TIME*** Ive come to the sad - TopicsExpress


***WARNING: SUPER LONG RANT TIME*** Ive come to the sad realization that within the last few decades weve become increasingly addicted and reliant on cell phones. Yes, theyre a source of entertainment, connecting to games and social media, internet search engines, and other apps. Yes, they are still occasionally used to speak with someone versus the current norm, texting. Theyre useful, and have more technology than the first lunar lander...calculators, calendars, cameras, and all. BUT...its a burden and not necessary for every day life to have one attached to your hip. What on earth did we DO before cell phones became so popular? Werent we able to relax? Werent we also able to understand that sometimes people were outside and not twirling the cord at home, waiting for someone to call like some lovesick teenager? Didnt we prefer to meet in places with friends, face to face, without feeling slightly annoyed or ignored when someone looked down to read a new Facebook update that pinged at them? It pinged...so it MUST be more important than us spending time together, right? If it werent now necessary that we keep the cell phone on for work reasons, I kind of wish I could go back to having a land line, with an answering machine hooked up to it, and, yes, missing out on super important, instantaneous updates sometimes. If it werent some sort of blasphemy to go without a phone, Id like to get back to where we were about 15 or 20 years ago, when people drove to see people and spent time with them, without the interruption of a phone ringing at them or buzzing, taking away from dinners, movies, concerts, dates, and giving you a brief sense of connection when someone likes or comments or shares something you posted, even if the only time you ever see them is when youre playing some game together online. Its instant gratification, and it doesnt stick with...well, ME, at least. It doesnt form some emotional bond. I cant hold a phones hand to show you Im there for you, hug it when I need comforting. I cant see how happy you look when you tell me about something wonderful. I cant see how upset you are about some trauma. All I see, via text and social media (unless its video), is, GIVE ME ATTENTION or WOW! LOOK AT THIS MEANINGLESS QUIZ THAT I WANT YOU TO TAKE NOW, or LOOK AT THIS, ITS INSPIRATIONAL or MORE MEANINGLESS, HUMOROUS GARBAGE THAT I LIKE. I get it, youre desperately starving for that attention. Dont you think that if the phone or social media could give that to you, you should be satisfied by now? Ill admit, I dont really like using my phone. I actually HATE texting. I cant tell the difference in your tone when you text. Unless you or something to that effect; I dont get it. I prefer to use the phone as it was originally intended, to speak with someone. I dont use the internet on it, because it costs extra and its not really intended to be a smart phone. I dont have a camera on it, so I just have to enjoy the moment and store things away in my head as memories instead of panicking as I get the camera to come on to take some once-in-a-lifetime thing, or instead of asking someone to do their pose again. Ill also admit that I am an internet addict. I dont like to get on Facebook as much anymore, because every time I do, I feel that in order to feel connected, I HAVE to like something, or comment, or share. It shows that I, too, believe in such and such about so and so or this and that, or I disagree wholeheartedly about blah blah blah. The only time I really enjoy the meaningless memes is when I can share them with someone sitting next to me that Im actually not paying 100% attention to because Im trying to find the next thing that will make them laugh or nod in approval. Its for these reasons that I want to put a challenge up for those of you that feel like this hits a nerve. Limit your time on the phone and on the internet. I dont care how much or how little, I think everyone could stand to spend a little less time here and there. Also, use your phone to actually speak with someone instead of texting because its more convenient. Sometimes, talking to someone actually takes less time, and less focus, and, well...I know a lot of people still do it, but texting and driving isnt safe. Talking on the phone is safer, and you can even go hands-free. Gamers, go back to socializing with cards like Magic, Pokemon, Munchkin, or even the super-offensive Cards Against Humanity, get your pen and paper out, your dice, and play D&D, D20 Modern, Vampire: The Masquerade, or Serenity. Go old-school and invite a friend to play a board game. Go retro and play a two or four player video game, sitting with each other at a friends house instead of co-oping on the internet. Stumblers, stop clicking that stupid, addictive button (Ive not used it for about a month or so, now). There are so many better ways to connect with people, instead of just texting or Facebooking. Go out for coffee, a movie, a play, a few drinks, camping, ANYTHING, even if its a trip to the library to pore over books in quiet conversation, or companionable silence. Im challenging everyone to get out there, and reconnect with at least ONE person, face-to-face. Its far more rewarding, in my opinion.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 22:33:54 +0000

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