WE PROUDLY STAND WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE REALLY FIGHTING ISLAM! - MALALA! People who put their lives on the line in the middle of the conflict are people we support, like her father who decided his daughters life would be different! That took guts! He might be Muslim but hes in the middle of the fire and put his childrens life and his own life on the line! I dont think I could do that as a parent. Too many times I have acquiesced to allowing Christian prayers at meetings without speaking up. Too often I have allowed religious people to have their way for fear of not being able to win over people because I was scared to tell them I was a Humanist. Well not any more! People like Bill Maher and Sam Harris sit back and make money off of scaring the crap out of Americans who can apparently be frightened by anything from one Black man having Ebola to anyone who takes a stand against intolerance of people who are not White Christians or White Jews! Their bigotry is intolerable! We chose her as our International person of the year last year and if she keeps going with talks like this she will be up for consideration again. We need people to stop finding reasons to divide humanity and find reasons for us to come together in peace or the world will surely come to an end because we are not erasing the need for religion. We have everything we need to change this world for the better - Its called HOPE and we take it away every time we dont reach out to people in trust. We take it away every time we speak in fear. WE ARE NOT AFRAID OF MUSLIMS! NEITHER IS MALALA! WE ARE IN GOOD COMPANY! Humanists and Atheists For Obama
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 00:40:19 +0000

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