WESTLAKES NEWS FOR THE 23rd MARCH 2014. Good Morning and - TopicsExpress


WESTLAKES NEWS FOR THE 23rd MARCH 2014. Good Morning and welcome to this weeks local news broadcast. This is VK2ATZ, The callsign of Westlakes Amateur Radio Club located at Teralba, Lake Macquarie. Your reader this morning is Dave VK2RD. Call backs follow at the conclusion of this news,Then a broadcast by the Wireless Institute of Australia follows at 09:30 hrs. Well in the library yesterday Nigel VK2FNT reached into ticket tumbler and pulled out a ticket with the callsign of Barry VK2VBF. Looks like you have to make the trip back to Westlakes next Saturday afternoon Barry. Congratulations and enjoy the meat tray. In the education room Geoff ( VK2GL ) was busy instructing members on the finer tips of map reading. Another full class of 8. You see, the club teaches other things other than Amateur radio. Listen out for future broadcasts as our script writer will give a lecture on Toroids, and selecting the right type for your antenna. Other lectures are being planned to follow this one. Members and guests. This is the last week in which you have to submit your name or names to attend Westlakes 50th birthday luncheon. The cost of the luncheon $27.50 BUT Westlakes will pay $2.50 so you will only have to pay $25 per person. So come on members support the club in its 50th birthday luncheon. Also there is a 1 off special lucky door prize for members who attend. 1 lucky person will win a $50 open order voucher from JAYCAR. The deadline is 12:00 Saturday of next week. So come on and get your names in. ARNSW Field day will be held at its Dural property which is located at 63 Quarry Road Dural NSW. The date is 30th March commencing at 9 am. Generally there will be a few commercial sellers and boot sales to provide a good selection of interesting equipment and tools for sale.The event usually attracts between 40 to 70 buyers, sometime more. ALL WELCOME. In the activity room Norm VK2KNC, Geoff VK2YGA and Dave VK2RD, and and other radio technicians were trying to sort out a few problems with Bills ( VK2XT ) kENWOOD TS 940. Not sure what the exact fault is or was but I am sure it will be fixed in due course. Any other TS-940 experts out there please contact Norm or see Norm down at the club. REMINDER: VI2ATZ50 will be aired during April at various times from the club shack and also in a portable capacity by allocated club members to give the most exposure to the Amateur population. Requirements to qualify for the Award will be... 1) 5 contacts with VI2ATZ50 2) 3 contacts with VI2ATZ50 and 3 club members 3) 10 contacts with WARC members A station could easily qualify on one of our morning club nets... eg: 10 members on air or VI2ATZ50 controlling a net and required members etc... VI2ATZ50 could visit another club’s net and allow points toward the award. A special QSL Card will be forwarded to all stations who make a contact with VI2ATZ50. Look forward to many contacts from the club and portable operations over the coming month. Station ID: VK2ATZ/P Now, Dave VK2RD is putting together a roster of radio operators, to work the clubs special callsign either from home or from your QTH. It is very important that this callsign gets out on the airways for as many hours as we can per day as this will be a call sign EVERYONE will be chasing. Once again the club needs radio operators for this event. Send Dave an email if you would like to be on the roster. [email protected] before next Saturday. Please advise times that would suit you. Most operations will be from the club and also in a portable setup from your home, providing you have decent antenna’s etc. The callsign will also be used on our club net’s on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays commencing at 09:30 am on 7.150 Mhz. WIA VK Harry Angel Memorial Sprint May 3 Saturday May 2014 - 10:00 -11:46 UTC The Harry Angel Sprint is an annual 80 m contest event, first established in 1999, to commemorate the life of Harry Angel VK4HA who at the time of his becoming a Silent Key was the oldest licensed amateur in Australia. The duration of the contest is 106 minutes one minute for each year of Harrys life. The HA is open to all grades of licence holder and is particularly suited to operators new to contesting. Operating frequencies - CW 3500 - 3535 kHz. Phone 3535 - 3665 kHz . WORLD NEWS: Top Band DXer, Antenna Designer Charles E. Dewey Jr, W0CD, SK Charles E. Dewey Jr, W0CD, of Battle Creek, Michigan, died March 16, at home. He was 96. Dewey, George Guerin, K8GG, and George Taft, W8UVZ, designed the Battle Creek Special antenna, popular with DXpeditioners. An ARRL Life Member, Dewey was a major 160 meter DXer, with 297 DXCC entities confirmed on Top Band (and an overall DXCC total of 367 -- 339 current -- needing only North Korea). Charles Dewey Jr, W0CD The Jefferson City, Missouri, native was first licensed as a teenager as W9LBM. He became interested in 160 meters in the 1970s, shunt feeding his 72 foot tower and laying down more than a mile of radials to work it against. He became a mentor to other Top Banders and, drawing upon his broadcast antenna expertise, designed various arrays for 160 meters. He subsequently came up with an improved Battle Creek Special that was stronger, taller, and easier to erect and eventually developed a heavy-duty model that could handle high winds. Radio Amateurs of Canada has announced today confirmation that the New Brunswick Government has tabled new legislation to provide an exemption to that provinces distracted driving law for amateur radio operators. Exemptions exist in other provincial jurisdictions in Canada - thanks to the efforts of local amateurs and RACs national strategy to address distracted driving legislation. This means that you are not restricted in the use of a handheld microphone whilst driving. At the recent Newcastle show, we made some friends with members of the Highway Patrol display and asked the same question... Yes! was the answer... Use of a Handheld microphone whilst mobile is not an offence under the distracted driving laws. BUT... Don’t push it. Discretion is the better part etc. That’s all we have this week. Do you have a news item that you would like read out on a future broadcast? Then Contact Richard VK2FRKO on email address [email protected] or give the item to Richard at the club. Now to wind up. Westlakes Amateur Radio Club Inc. is located in York Street, TERALBA - and is open on Saturday from around 11:00 am. Also on a Tuesday evening from around 6:00 pm. To make contact at other times, try dialling (02) 49 581588 where an answering service operates. Visitors are alway welcome at the club. We have plenty of tea, coffee, long-life milk, a good Canteen and an interesting selection of biscuits. Thank you for listening. This is VK2ATZ/p. Good morning...
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 02:28:27 +0000

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