WHEN WE ALL TAP INTO THE FLOWER OF LIFES GRACE AND MERCY INFINITE POWERS, WE ALL STOP PICKING AND DESTORYING ITS WONDERFUL UNITY OF ONENESS. If one person is emotional and the other rational. The mission is still the same life on lifes terms, the only differance lies in the techniques we use too deliver the message, as we become conscious that we are all One™ As you stair into the beautiful and endless interconnections of life, youll be able to understand the ways we are all connected to the whole Universe! The world is full of divine treasures, the only thing we all need to determine for ourselves is what portion of it do you desire, because the power of choice gives us amnesty to claim your fare share of it! Once we find our own inner boudless strengt within, well start getting of very own portion of its grace and divinity. Have the divine ability to get along with our fellow man in life is one of the most important lesson and skills well ever learn in Life! We each have serveral Angels surround us at all times recording our every action and deeds, but also most important we have our very own gaurdian Angel who have been present from the time of our births. These Angels are there to help us find and follow our lifes paths! I AM not going to go into detail, but believe me they are there recording your every move. The heavenly spiritaul beings are assigned to ever man, woman and child born; to direct us on the path of life to be bountiful and live our lives to the fullest intent. Although, we somewhere along lifes winding path lose alliance with thier awesome grace and mercy and feel disconnected from them, but they are still there warching over us. Instead of taking care of ourselves to the best of our abilities, we some how get lost into the despection of the world. We start to become fearful, lose focus, get self-centered, resentful, self-absorbed, self-consuming, raged, and angry, wanting what we want and doing anything to get it ect. But the good news is, once we learn how to get out of our own ways and let the universe do its galactic thing, we become more empathetic, more sensitive and conscious of our own souls purpose, we begin to connect back with these celestial froces again. What a glorious day it becomes when we reunite wirh the flower of the celestial world of all there is againg! And then and only then, are we able to start thinking about our own individual path we must walk and follow from the craddle to the grave. GAPING WIDE° From the Womb to the Tomb of life Agian!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 11:52:22 +0000

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