WMB always POINTING IN THE WORD OF GOD... *** God always - TopicsExpress


WMB always POINTING IN THE WORD OF GOD... *** God always vindicate His Word *** E – Influence 63-0112 You try to do something that’s a little contrary to your doctrine, and you say, “aw, nonsense”. Check it with the Word. If it’s the Word, believe it. If it’s not, leave it alone. God will vindicate His Word. E – Letting Off Pressure 63-0113M “Name is a mighty tower; the righteous run into it, and they are safe”, let off the pressure. See Him in the hours that we know that there’s people that’s under that blood. We see it a – vindicated. We see God, what He does to vindicate His church. Promised anything when we’re in this tower. “Anything that you ask in My Name, I’ll do it. If ye abide in Me and My Word’s in you, ask what you will, it’ll be done to you” E- 57 Way of A True Prophet 63-0119 I tell you, God calls an individual to stay with His Word and stay with Him. How could God walk with them when their own creeds, made up their own worldly wisdom, deny His Word? When a creed accepts a doctrine of a group of men together, and denies the Word being so, then you turn God from you. God is Holy. And God…the Bible says He watches over His Word to a-vindicate it. And how can He a –vindicate the Word, when then Word isn’t there? E- Remembering the Lord 63-0122 Oh, I don’t know whether it be night or not, but there’s coming a day when God’s going to show the difference between the righteous and the unrighteous, and it’ll be a memorial to us to know that the Blood is certainly upon the lintel and the doorpost. And wherever you look, or your understanding you look with your eyes, and see it with your heart. That’s right. You’ll remember looking through the Blood of the Lord Jesus, the way He would look through it. What a time. They were… Israel had another thing they could always remember; that when they took their step upon what they’d heard Moses say that great a-vindicated prophet with the Word of God. And when they took their stand to march…Because they seen God vindicate that the message that he was bringing was the truth, and it was according to the Scriptures, and God was with him. E-49 Identification 63-0123 Now, church, think of this just a minute. We are invited to shape our own character to His by His grace. We are invited (think of it) to become characters like His, if we’re ready to lay our character down and the molding that we had: “heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, false accusers and incontinent, despisers of those that are trying to do right – having the form of godliness and denying the power of the Word”… How can God come into a place like that when they deny the Word? When He watches over His Word to vindicate it, to make it come to pass, and the Word is pushed out, how can He identify Himself with something like that? We’ve got to take the entire full Gospel. We must…And now, being that we have identified ourselves as full Gospel people, lets’ mold our character.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 15:48:46 +0000

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