WROTE 5 YEARS AGO: VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: From the three parts I wrote about the Life of an Apostle Peter, the third series I usually make it the final from the series that I wrote abouts and you all should always remember that I share so that someone can be encouraged, That is the main purpose why I share these things to you all..Some people just do not understand what i am trying to do but Truly and realli, I am not trying to take anyones leadership away or the Spotlight, I am only Following my Lord and Savior Jesus by writing this to make someone truly smile..If I could take you back to the story, Our Lord God Jesus, after the resurrection, he sticked around with his disciples for 40 more days, Our Lord Jesus did not appeared to everyone but those who were very close to him as a friend, As a brother and can be call as a Father as well..Before Lord Jesus left the earth, Before even his crucified on the Cross..He told his disciples some very important factor, When a sect, or the unbelieving Jews, Pharisees, teachers of the Laws, elders, Those who never believed that Jesus was the Christ, They are going to be ones who will hate the believers and followers of Jesus Christ, What even our Lord Jesus tells them that it is not the disciples fault but because they hated Jesus First and that they persecuted him.. that is the reason why there is conflicts between Righteousness and Unrightesouness people..So for any of my brothers and sisters, if ou ever feel discouraged by the people that you meet, and they are unright, They are putting you through many things that you should not dealt with, Know that when you take up your cross everyday and die for him, Also, Lord Jesus knows exactly how you feel, Now, do you see that Lord Jesus leaves his dicisples but Never he leaves them as Orphans and sends us a Helper, a Counselor who will guide you and show you the way by reminding you the Truth..Reminding you the Teaching of our Lord Jesus..Some of us are preparing to take a bigger step in our Faith..Now, When Jesus leaves, the disciples are ready to impact the world by changing lives for the people to come to Christ, They have been given something, they are well equipped and trained, gots the tools now to reach further and has a special weapon, the Spirit of Truth living inside of them to keep them alive with Fire for Lord Jesus.. When I look at some of the brothers and sisters in Christ, They are being trained, Some are actually, leading the family in the group and teaching us, Bringing something to the table so the souls are being fed Spiritually, And what I see in them is that they came out of the comfort Zone and they are bringing the Words of God alive in our lives..I know that there are two types of a people..Some are for the Church, But not everyone are suppose to be in the church tho, Some are suppose to go out into the world and reach to the unknowns but it seems like some are not ready yet, So I believe that Lord God will bring them out oneday until they feel like they are ready, What they needs to know is this, Where are you truly going as a Christian, Where do you stand in the life as calling yourselves as Christians, A person can act but if they are not willing to do anything, What is the point of living in a Lie..When you look at Apostle Peter, After the Holy Spirit came down on the pentecost, It is not Peter who saved 3000 souls that day, It was the Spirit of Truth telling Peter what to Say to bring people to Jesus..That is how much Lord God loves us That even after Jesus spent his time on the earth with his disciples for 3 years, He did not leave them naked but covered them with righteousness by the Blood on the Cross and to save humanity to have the eternal destination of going home back to the Creator, our home, Jesus gives us all the Holy Spirit which the man cannot do anything without him, You can not save people, You alone can not plant any kind of seed unless you are knowing the Truth but when the Spirit of Truth lives in You, Anything is possble with Lord God..Now, Apostle Peter, he gots his brothers with him and they begin to walk by Faith, They did walk with Jesus before but when Lord Jesus left the earth, You can not walk by Faith, Just knowng that his presence is still there with his people..Apostle Peter use to be on the sideline watching Our Lord work his thang, Healings of the Soul through the power of his words, Healing phyiscally, Demons would be cast out, All the people who were wounded, broken hearted, Homeless people, just people with the Lowly lifestyle came to him and Jesus became their Savior and a Friend..Apostle Peter saw the heart of his Teacher He saw everything that Jesus ever done on the face of the earth, To follow, To Trust, To humble, To Obey, To walk, To Sing and Worship, To pray, To Love and have compassion for others..To even Love your Eneimes as well which it is so hard to do..When you begin to see all these things and you were taught by the Creator, the Holy King, The one with Eternal Wisdom and knowledge, Just walking with him and listening, You can learn so much from a great teacher..Now, I believe that Lord Jesus left the disciples because he Trusted them that they will prevail, that they are ready to do the Work of his Will, They will fall but will get right back up, They will not give up cuz the fundation is very strong in the Lord, Because Lord God knew, they were ready to take in this world every hits, Stripes, accusations, and even hatred but that they will always walk and Follow Him..There is nothing in this world that is going to be easy, Everything is hard no matter how and where you live your life, Even in Apostle Peter times, There was no automobiles, They had sandals to walk their feet all day long..It was pretty hard back then, maybe even harder cuz they did not have the media like the way we have it here..I believe the difference in those days and nowadays is that people were very close to each other, They felt each others pains and even tho they were not Bloods, They were close to as being like the Bloods and you see, Nowadays, People keep things to themselves, they will not open up to people even at the church, Most people just cans trust one another or feel uncomfortable but When you see Lord Jesus teaching Peter, was he close minded, Was he quiet about many things, What was the good news about that he taught Peter, Jesus did not stay quiet, He pointed out the evil men and good men, Jesus taught everything to the people about the kingdom of God and how it is a good news for us all to enter, Even Apsotle Peter followed the footsteps of His Lord, and Savior Jesus, He was not quiet but determined to share his faith in Christ..Apostle Peter had many people hating on Him but also many came to Christ cuz of Him..it is because he Trusted in the Lord that he will be all right when he followed Christ.. When I look at this overall picture that I broke it down..I want my brothers and sisters to know this one thing, When you truly believe that there is a True God, and his name is Jesus Christ, Some of us keeps things too much to ourselves and quiet, Our lives are suppose to make a huge impact to those lives around you or else how can you call yourselves a true beliver of Christ..What is the point of reading the Holy Scriptures if you Never Apply it in your life..It is not working or doing anything to you to bring people to Christ..That is why I bring out the truth to show the body of Christ these things so that you can move somewhere and walk By Faith..If many people are not giving and only wants to receive in this world, There is no difference between a non-believer and that person if they do not do anything to make our Lord God smile and to be pleasing to him in his eyes..When you look at this brother Peter, It teaches me that a teacher was there and a student who wanted to learn and walk with him to the ends..Even walking with the Lord Jesus, it was not easy cuz many threats laid beside them too..People wanted to kill our Lord Jesus until the time came for him to die for us and was truly hated him by his own people Jews, Peter saw everything when he was following Jesus, But still, In the end, he also had tofight for his life on behalf of our Lord Jesus..When you lose your life here on the earth, Your life will not be forgotten and be praised in heaven, Lord God will bless you with a Greater Name which we all beleivers know who Peter is, the living Sacrifices Peter made should also teach us to have that kind of mind-set and heart to live for Jesus Christ..Even when I am writing all these things to someone who can be enocuraged, The reason why I am still here writing cuz of the Last Words from the Lord, Remain and Keep on Sharing, I am not afraid of what people gots to say or else I would of never wrote again..That is why I know that first of all, Lord God protects Me, He is the one that is adding every person into my life to share, When I send it out, he is the one who is making it the hits into peoples heart, I am only obeying his words and if people are hating on me for writing so much, it is becuz I am smaller than they are but Lord God uses the weak to make them strong, He shames the Wise people when they think they are better then me.. they are also hating My Lord God as well when they have the wrong kind of a heart towards a brother..That is how I know that Jesus Christ always gots my back becuz I am still able to share and he gave this thang to me to grow in Spirit and truth..I hope that this can truly encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ..Thanks for listening Dj.> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: One of the greatest love that I felt from the married brothers, his name is Tae and he is one of the funniest person that I ever met.. He reminds me of Chris Kim or Victory Hyung that always cracks me up and make me jolly, My stomache feels like it wants to fall off cuz this Big brother always makes me laugh and SMILE..Full of happiness and filled with heart of Joy, Warm, tender hearted and very caring person that I met in Global Harvest Church, also, he is a very tall, I gots to always look up and tilt my head and sometimes it makes my neck hurt, Maybe because I am a short person compare to many brothers and sisters that I hang wid..There are times that I know that in my heart, People needs words of Love and words to be encouraged so that they may be lifted up, I do not know how many of our brothers or sisters in all will take their time to tell a person, or show through the actions to a person and tries to make another human being smile..I am very emotional type of a person which our Lord God Jesus created me to be and that is why I will share my thoughts and my hearts through the words to let them know how much I care about those who are around me and this is how I show and let them feel the way I feel about the person is through the writings that I can only give from the core of my Heart..I would look around to the people and there are some people that truly touches my life and gives me this inspiration to share my thoughts..Looking at our Big brother Tae, I would like to take my time to share and dedicate this special letter out to him so that he may also be lifted up..Big Brother Tae, I know that you are only a human being, pretty shure very emotional brother who has Heart and Soul just like me, Even I believe that you have your passions to love for Lord God..I just wanted to thank you for always being CHeerful and very funny, Humorous person that brings Joy in your own family of group that you meet..Also, I even see you cook at the Kitchen and has the servents heart which I do admire so much about you..I admire ever Parents, either they are a mother to a child or a father to a child who comes and brings the energy to the house of God and just keeps on working for his behalf..I know that you are a father and has three children, Who also works to put food on the table, pay your bills, and even come out with a servents heart to church, I do look at you and see something beyond you that you are taking this church also somewhere to go further for Lord God, With a Purpose of having a Missions mind..That realli makes me smile when a person has the same heart as I do, It is not only about Me, Myself, or I but for the others, the needies who truly needs someone to be a helping hands, to have a heart that cares with tenderly Love to the less unforunate people..I do want to thank You for being that Model for me Today which I need to be reminded that even we have those type of people around Me..Also, The thing that I see in you is that always gets to my heart is that you have the for the love kids, You love the singles group as well, I am a part of K-Team, For the Odc friday nights, we want the singles and colleges to be plugged in More with their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ through a Bible Study we are having, so the few people got together to have this new ministry out to reach the Singles and Colleges and I do remember that it is to have Fun and to be creative in the Lord so I decided to join in with this family so that we can push further more for Christ..Games and activies so that it can plug the Body of Christ who goes on the friday nights to Singles and colleges so they may have goodtimes from time to time..People needs breaks to have fun so this is a new ministry I saw as a chance to help out with something..The final games we put together, we had even the married people comeing to be the judges and When I saw Big Brother Tae with us, I just knew that this is going to be something and just the way he always makes me laugh and smile, I was hyped up to see him there..Your presence meant so much to me, because I saw the kindiness in your heart that even tho you had many things to do on that day, How you have so much responsiblies that you gots to do as the man of the House and the Head of your Home as the leader and a pastor to your home..You gave up that time just for us, To show us how much you wanted to connect with us, To show us the love that many others would not wants to show..Maybe, people may not see the heart of yours, Just because people may not tell you these things but a True believer of Christ, A real person who is honest does see all of those things, Not trying to bring anyone down or put them into any kind of shameful heart, But we all needs each other, we needs to be accountable to one another cuz if we dont have each other, who can you trust in the Outside world realli..Also Brother Tae, You also wanted the married Group and the singles to meet each other, to be close as a family and to get to know one another, and that made me feel special as a brother in Christ..Just going over to a house, how we had a great feast, celebration, thanksgiving and even the time of fellowship that made me feel a little more closer to the bigger Boys, the married Guys and it is a part of you that made this choice with other fellows who made this happen in my life..Big Brother Tae, Every little thoughts counts when it is coming from the core of your heart and I just wanted to write you a letter showing you my appreaciation through the heart of a writer..The thing that I can encurage you is this..No matter what you are doing, No matter where you are in your life, No matter how difficult you are going through, No matter where you are standing, You always gots a Back from our Lord God Jesus, There is someone out there, when you are in need of prayers that someone, somebody out there is praying for you, they are praying you through, it can be any of your true blood family members who are still breathing or living, it can be our pastors or leaders, it can be your wife or if you are teaching your kids to pray right and walk in their faith with the Lord, even the words of your childrens prayers can be also lifted cuz Lord God listens to those who are humbled in Spirit, Who are faithful and obedient..Just remember the words that I type you today that Lord God is not far away, You may think that he is distance but he is right next to you, breathing on your neck..That show tell you that, Our Fathe Lord God loves you so much that he lives in you as Well..Big Brother Tae, I hope that this special letter of Mine cna be your true encouragement..In the name of the Lord Jesus I write and share..Thanks for listening Dj..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: An Act of disobedients means that you are rebellious towards our Lord God, It is the heart that he sees that we cannot see from each other but only Lord God Knows all about it..When I came back to church and Odc on fridays to look and search for something..I did not know what I wanted at that time, I did not know what Lord God wanted from me either but I do remember clearly that I was selfish, Self-centered means that I wanted the attentions all for me from my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, it was all about All EyeZ on Me kind of deal and at that time, I rememberd clearly that I would look down upon people, I thought that I was just too cool, The Bad news bringing it to church in the House Of GOd, Disrespectful and Prideful person I was, Arogrant and did not listen to any words of the peers that I knew..I had not self-control so my words would be curse words and being negative all the time..Always pointing fingers and judging Others which it went totally against Lord Gods words and his commands, lifting up my head up high thinking that I was All that..Most people thik that a person being rebellious means someone who loves to go out.. Loves to Party hard, going to Bars and Clubs to get drunk every weekend and just skipping CHurch all the time..That is a part of being disobedient but what people do not realize is when you have hate towards someone, or you have bad thoughts about other people or even thinking that you are worth more then others around you, Lord God even looks at the heart of that person and Judges him saying that this person, if he does not repent his or Her sin, that is a disobedients or being a rebellious person to Lord God, Just because some people looks very nice(Chak Keh) and innocent does not Mean that they have a clean heart and That is why our Father Lord God, His standards are very high and No one reaches to the point and can claim I am clean and very righteous in his eyes..I do even remember that I would go to sunday services but I would go very late and the night before, I would be all night long partying and getting Drunk.. Acting like a Fool with my friends and comin home very late..Go to CHurch Act like everything was all good with me and come to church on a sunday service after it was over..I believe that every mistakes, Every pains, Every dishonesty and Every disobedience by lying to all saying I am a CHristian means I follow Jesus Christ as being Fake which caused something to erupted our Lord Gods Heart..His Wrath is VERY Scary when he gets mad at someone, when he is disappointed with you because you are not telling the truth but living like a Lukeworm, Making our Lord God NAME looks very Bad, That is why you should thinnk twice before you say something to others about Who you truly are and I had to learn it the HardWay.. There was a point in my life that I had to leave Texas for awhile, and even tho I did not like the idea of leaving Home, my parents and my younger sister and all the people that I loved the most in Church and my friends that I knew..It was involved with my future of wanting to become My Job Description..One thing that I learned is that Lord God gives you the desires of your heart if it is in his Will, His Plan and Purpose and my desires of leaving Texas at that point, I did not wanted to Go..You see that when Lord Gods first plan wanted me to go this way but I do something that does not Please his eyes, He will stop everything what he is planning out to do to give you rite then, he will make you wait even longer when you disappoint him and erupts his heart.. He will put different things to your path of Life to teach you what hardship feels like and then when I settle down and begins to obey him, He will give whatever the blessings that he wanted to give me in the first place..I member I had a teacher at a labortory that I use to work while back..And he was putting things into my heart that I should go to Indiana cause I had a family member who can train Me there..And even tho I did not know anything back then but Now I fit the pieces of puzzles together and I have this concept of knowing what Lord God was doing to teach me a Great Lesson in my life..So I do remember telling the old teacher that I worked with years ago, I do want to go and I did decided to go where my Uncle lived in Indiana..The news broke out where many of my brothers and sisters I told about the new move I was going to make and Even when I was leaving my Old Job there.. People truly encouraged me to do my best and come back stronger..They wrote me farewell cards and even gave me money or the long trips I was going to Drive..In the same day but it was in the late afternoon, I do remember my brothers and sisters coming together at a Home edition and they even celebrated with me..Many told me great things in their own words, They even gave me this Huge Card with words of Wisdom, knowledge with deep meanings and thoughts, It was an Encouragment for me the way they saw me as a brother in Christ..I do remember when I was going home, I started to feel scared, having this fear what if I do not Never Come back Home..What if I die in a car accident or something terrible should happen to me..I was scared of what future hold for me at that time..In the Midst of all this, Lord God was seeing if I had a change of my heart, am I going to backdown on my words, Am I going to be a CHicken Head and a coward..So I do remember the morning rise, I saw my mother putting things in my car as I packed the night before..When I was in my Car, she came in and even prayed for my safety and told me that she wanted to lead me a way out..So I followed my mothers car and drove for 5 miles and when the light turned green, I member she pointed her finger to keep going that way and My Heart Freezed at that moment..I was looking at the Back mirror and my tears just fell from my eyes, It just rained down and would not stop as I kept on driving..AS her car got smaller, My eyes got blurry of the tears that fall so I had to park few times to wipe those tears away and I was scared too cuz I never drove that far in my life..When I think of it right now, I dont think I never knew Lord God back then like how I am able to seek him now..I was still lost and blinded from the truth..But I was still searching for something VERY SPCIAL: MY ENCOURAGMENT: There are two things that is truly in my heart, One is the Wish that I ever had for this chance to share and write my faith in Christ and the other is a prayer that I was praying for this minister for you all to understand my Heart..My wish has also been that to those that I am writing out too, that at least just one person, one soul to truly understand and can relate with me as I am sharing my faith to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ..My prayer is that through this what I am doing, that one soul, one person might come to Christ as I am putting my All as I am sharing my testimony and even to reach those who do not fully know and understand our Lord God Jesus.. This is all about what I am trying to Do and it has been what it was from the begining as I write, If people do not see the Truth, I do not know how many times I gots to share through writing and how many times they wants to kick me Out of Writing..If I can share something to you guys all, I even asked to many of my brothers and sisters in Christ to come forth if they do not wants to receive any more and the thing that I got is that noone came forth and I am thankful that they are still here plugged in and I praise the Lord for all what he has done and still is doing till this day..What I learned through my breaktime is to be more silence and just try to listen to the Word of God, When you are facing Trials after another Trials and even turbulance comes with it..You do somestimes wonder Where is our Lord God in this mess that I am facing..Where are you Lord? I would ask and wonder, How do you know if he truly exist and is Reals living among us, What he revealed to me is through his people who are also with me, and walks by their faith that they even reach out their hands in my Suffering, The way you know how real his love is, when he reveals himself out to you when you are low, and you are burned out with fears, tears and pains..But he is Still almighty and good cuz that is when he comes down to rescue you and reveal his power so that your faith keeps on growing more closer to him and he strenghtens you to go on..to keep on sharing your faith in Christ and to make you a stronger person..I finally realize from the depth of my soul, How gentle and loving he is to me..If I go back to the past, I never thanked the people in the past enough who was always there for me..I rememer Jinny Samo Nim, Paster Jaes wife, she would always tell me to press On, To keep on doing what you Love to encourage others, Big Brother Bill and even his Wife Mickey, They would tell me dont stop writing, even through your own trials and hardship, get up on your feet and do it for our Lord God Jesus, Big Brother Mike and his Wife Lina, they would always smile as they be encouraged by the words that I bring out to the table to share my faith in Christ, just do it for the Best, Liuwin, one of the Big sisters in the singles group would always write me to encourage me to keep on sharing, Even Big brother John Lee, When I was facing a trial because of me writing and just sharing my faith, I do remember falling Hard just like recently that had happened, His words truly got me up cuz it was powerful what he shared at that time and how he truly encouraged me, I am still thankful till this day and even Big brother Charlie, who always looks at me as a Leader for the Greeter and always tells me to keep going and keep on doing to glorify our Lord God, Recently, I was going through another hard trials I was facing and dealing with all alone cuz I was still sharing my Faith in Christ, I had several Big brothers and sisters reaching out their hands to me and I felt so grateful for their words of Encouragment, Big Brother Tae, gave me a hug today and told me to press on brother, Big Brother Joel, Also told me to Press on and keep on fighting, Big Brother Don, He always shared to press on. Big Brother Fred tells me to keep on going and press on, Big brother Matt, Also wrote me and told me to press on, Big Sister Gretchen, she is always encouraging which I am always thankful how she gots my back, Big sister Juile Song from the SIngles also wrote me to keep on going and press on..What I realized and learned is that I thought that people just did not care about me, always thought maybe they are talking behind me cuz many asians do not share from their heart, They like to keep their mouths closed and do not open their hearts especially to their own brothers and sisters in Christ.,But what I found out through my trials and turbulation is that Lord God is still at work and still protects his people who truly Love the Lord God..The greatest blessing that I ever received is when there are also those who loves you more than what you asked for that during the trials and hardship, they open up and try their best to give their hearts and thoughts to you..I learn so much because I fall Hard and When I fall, I truly hit the Floor hard with tears filled in my eyes, No one wants to feel any tears but I am stil not ashamed to reach to my loving brothers and sisters in Christ cuz Now I learned that they gots my backs, Many will hate me for sharing the Truth, Cuz they think I am getting the Attention, But I am not even asking for my Own glory, Many hates the fact that I come alive, When you have Faith, Real truly genuwine Faith in Christ and you give it out to many for Lord Gods behalf, He will reveal how mighty and great he truly is..Another thing that I found out is what the many of my big brothers and sisters in Christ asked me to Do and For Lord Gods glory, They told me to KEEP ON SHARING and Write on his Behalf, If many people are telling me to stop writing, Maybe this is not the Call the Lord God gave me but if many are saying, Just Go for it and do not turn your back away, I finally realized how Blessing it is to write and a privilage to keep on sharing my faith..If people are sck and tired of receiving the writings from me, I will Let you Go cuz I made a Promise to our Lord God, I first needs to finish the Book of Genesis before I can all the Breaks, When you make a promise and Lord God acceptes, When people are trying to hurt Me, You are going to be burned as well too..Hearts is what the Lord God looks at and I am telling you that I am not a Fake person, But honest and Reals who shares from the Depthof my Soul..I hope that this can truly encourage you..and can teach some of you something, That God is Real and Holy, That when you come to him feeling Hurt, broken, empty and Lonely, He will pick you up back on your feet so that you can keep on striving for his Glory That is how real our Lord God Jesus is with Me..In the name of our Lord God Jesus I write and share..thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: What does it means to humble ourselves in front of our Lord God..If you cannot Humble yourselves, Lord God will not truly be there for you cuz of your prideful heart and arrogrance that you carry in your heart, Remember that noone is perfect and that all Man have Evil inside of You and only way to santicfy is the Truth in Gods words to create you a clean and pure heart..There are so many writers in this world, filled with many inspirational stories, filled with minds of intelligence and even experiences that people have over the years..Even in our church family, we have great mentors and leaders, teachers and people with great gifts that they use on our Lord Gods behalf, When a person begins to grow in words, knowledge fills their heads but does not go into the hearts of true faith in Christ..They only know what they read but some can Never have the experience from the Lord pouring out the blessings from Heaven..I am so grateful cuz I know where I truly stand and I know that I am not Great at all but the Least of all that I know, when a person is so weak and clings onto our Father Lord God, He knows the heart of ever Man and when a person humbles himself and obeys in the Word of God, He will give you strengthen and wisdom to press on..How can I say that I am Great when I know that there are much more greater people, Godly Men than I, That is what the Lord God looks into my heart and he truly Helps those who needs his Hands..There are people tho that they may think that they are better person, who thinks they are stronger and smarter cuz they gots a talent given by Lord God that it is to be used to bless others but not for you to keep and some people tries to keep it for their own Glory and that is why also Lord God uses me on his behalf to show others, Lord God does not have to use me for anything, he can take my Privilage away if I am rebellious and Disobedient and use someone else to do his Work and his Will..That is why also I am so grateful and thankful that I can be a part of his Plan to do his Will as the writer for Christ.. Someone who is so small can do good things in his presences..If there is a prideful character in the house of God, If you do not lower yourselves, He will make you look so bad when he brings another smaller brother like myself to show those around that a obedient and humilty is the Best way that Pleases our Lord God, If I can share a testimony with you all, and everything that I write and share is rooted from my heart, someone gots to be encouraged cuz that is my main thing as a writer in Christ.. I look back of the times that I shared, it all started in the years of 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and still I am writing to share and to encourage others..So many days has passed, so many weeks gone by, so many months as flew and even many of my years of writing came this long..I had to face up and downs like rollercoaster ride, I had to feel many different seasons of life and when you wait in time and patient, you will grow and will change in the name of the Lord when you call upon him, I had to see and face many haters after haters rejecting me, but I never put my head down cuz if I put this down before, I would of never reach the new brothers and sisters in Christ that he gives me to plug in this ministry and I am so thankful cuz it is a privilage and my honor to share to others and when a person smile on the other side, it glorifies our Lord God cuz he is pleased of my Heart, exerocising my faith and walking it Out..When I look at in the year of 2002, I remember that I shared with my friends but it was not in church..I had many bad issues, struggles and heartache, I was sufforcating for an air of Breathe to breathe In and Out, When you look at Psychology, The mind doctors, I had a mental and emotional struggles cuz I was abused by folks who dislike me and disowned me, I was a reject by others..the patient who comes to Psychology, they also too have many problems in their minds and hearts but they pay big bucks for them to share their deep roots to the doctors, Mine costed Free cuz I began to type when I was going through the mental breakdown and healing begins when people begin to listen to you and encourage you..I Did not think that I would write this long, did not think that I would take this by a heart with courage, boldiness and to share to many folks out there..Once I got plugged into the church, I begin to share with one person, and I did not think that person was reading until the person told me that it is realli encouraging to see someone sharing their own story like that through writing, In the House of the Lord, Lord God begins to move my heart, begins to challenge me and even tho I did not meet him yet, Lord God was testing my heart, my faith and commitment that I was giving to his people..One person turns to two people, then three people, That is when I knew that something is happening here, Then to twelve people, I was in GPS and thats when I knew that the calling might begin with this group, and itturn out to be thirty, after the thirty people I was sharing to, it just stopped and when I met the Lord God, I just begin to share my faith with all different types of people, different numbers of the age group, just my brothers and sisters in Christ I just had to do it so the body of Christ becomes not just folks or people but my family cuz I am doing it in his name.. The weird thing is that when Lord God opened up the Prison Minisry for me, The door eve opened with more opportunity to share my faith in Christ not just through face to face, Even I write my brothers who are locked up and whoever knew that Lord God can use a brother like myself to do what is right, I Never knew that I would write or can write but when you tell yourself and surrender by summiting yourself to our Father Lord God, when you are in the stage of always humbling yourself before the Holy King, He is not just going to use you in ways you just dont believe but also he will heal you when you are hurting, deeply wounded and in Scars with Stripes, Most people do fear the pains of what the outcome will be so they never try, They fear what the Man will say to them behind their backs, They fear what if this might not work in the name of the Lord and will fail, When you lack in Trust and Lack in Faith, you begin to doubt yourself, You begin to look like a Fool and that is why you Must first Go to him first, Cleansing your Soul and Heart, If you are Evil hearted person, You first gots to clean yourself out first and then the relationship needs to be firm, Then there is a tingle inside of your heart that burns and it is the Spirit of Truth that is remaining on you to do his Will..It took me all these years to understand the Depth of my Fathers heart, When you commit yourself in something that you have the heart for, it does not happen rite away, it takes time and patients to learn many new things that Lord God can show you, Many tries but they just dont give it all from the Soul and Heart and that is why they miss out, I had to fall, I had to fail many times but get back up.. I had to breakdown and Cry, I had to be starving and thirsty, I had to struggle in fears but Still I kept on going to the end, Rite now is 2011, Nine years of writing and sharing my Faith in Christ..I know that Lord God is truly please cuz I Never Gave up every bit of my bitterness and anger moments But I always turned to Lord God to HELP Me, Always, when I trusted in Lord God Jesus, He gave me the Strength to keep on sharing and keep on giving My very Best in Writing, I hope that this can truly encourage all of yo guys, There is someone who will not like this message but I know that Lord God cares cuz He has the Final Says So, The Last Words comes form the Lord..In the name of our Lord God Jesus I write and share..Thanks for listening DJ..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: When I look at the Body of Believers, Every Heart of the Followers of Christ, We all wants a Great Harvest when we Reap into the persons lives..Our Lord God is like the landowner and we are his workers, which we are his farmers, when you look at the field and in the field are Soils, it can be a good soil or can be a back soil, some of us has such a large field but there is nothing growing to reap out your harvest, and when Lord God, the landowner walks by in your field, what will he say to you that he has given you Seeds to be planted, various of Seeds so that when the season of time comes, you can reap out your Crops so that you may see what you have done in your life here on the earth..Some people take the Life of Christian so Lightly and that is why they have no place to Go and the day of the Judgement COmes and Christ is sitting on the Throne, he will ask you, If I go to your field, and I look at your Field, where is the Crops so that I may reap the Harvest, I gave you seeds so that you can plant them into the Soils of peoples hearts of My Words, Why do you carry a Holy Scriptures if you will never use it on my Behalf, DOes this truly challenge those who sits in the field and Never put seeds to the souls of the people around you..That is why I am here to write on Jesuss behalf, If a person is also a writer, use those gifts and talents to reach out to your people them even just this, That Lord God may be pleased!! Recently, I just received a letter from a brother who is behind the Prison Bars and I was so touched of what he shared in his letters, It was a long three paper written from his hands and when I read it, I was deeply moved of how he was sharing about his life, He began to open up his heart to me and even asked many personal questions which many people just do not ask me..One of the greatest gift is when you receive it from the Lord God, when he gives you a person to be reached and to encourage them, Even tho chances comes, many let it pass through if they are not interested but I know that whenever Lord God gives me a chance and even tho there are times that I just do not wish wants to do, but I still try to do something to make it worth awhile..Make a difference to somebody out there..The brother who wrote me told me that he was touched by the words of encouragement in the letters I write to him, He was so encouraged and moved that he read it to other brothers who are in the Cell with him, and many people were touched of how someone who I never knew in my life, Someone who I never met in the past times, Someone who just been there few times has the Heart to write and share my words of encourage with others and with him too..He told me that everytime he receives something from me and always his expectations grows when he receives the letters that I write him..But one thing that I can say is that it is not me that can touch a heart or soul, I cannot do anything with Lord God being in the center of all these things that I do but just walking in Faith, and being faithful to the call he give, I am only giving my best effort when I do it for HIM..I look inside the Prison and I see many souls in there who needs the Love, support, and even words of encouragement from the outside who can just look and hear their hearts of conflicts that they share, My heart is always touched when I go there cuz it makes me see that what a Blessing I have from the Lord, Look at the freedom of Life and not caged up like an animal, And I truly thank the Lord for it all and make me wanna help those who are in Need, I look at the prison as my Field, Lord God gives me a teacher to be a student to him and he is planting seeds into my Soul, now, I am so grateful that I am learning the Truth and wants to share the good news what the Lord God is doing with me and for others to be encouraged and celebrate with me for the Birth of my salvation..And I am just using the hands and the tools to reach more people..Lord God, did not just give me the Holy Scriptures just to look like a good guy but to use it so that others can be blessed by his Words of Truth and through that the heart of our Father Lord God may be revealed..I buy a book of stamps, I even have a box of enevolpe and I even have a notebook with clean white sheet of papers, and a load of pens, What the Lord God gave me through the Job that I get paid for, I buy these things Now cuz I know that I want to plant seeds, It cost three dollars everytime I go there so that I can meet my brothers behind bars, I believe that Lord God gave me two brothers to share through writing at this point and when I Obey in him, The field is large, but no harvest yet, One by One and time after time, the field that I have which Lord God gave me as his farmer, It can be filled with many Crops of People when I begin to plant seeds into their hearts, means Gods words of Truth, It takes alots of my time and effort, It takes little things which people will look over and just pass it by, but I look at what Lord God is doing is using this as my purpose to learn something from him, That the field is empty right now, and there is nothing to reap, when there is not Harvest yet, But When I keep on planting seeds to someone and Lord God watches me and looks at my heart from the distance, Then he will begin to give me more seeds to plant and add more large on the field so the more you start planting, the Field needs to be large enough to have Full of crops and you can reap your Harvest in the season of time when it is collected..People can look at me like I am just nobody, and I do truly believe that I am nothing to any of my family of Christ, But also I am planting seeds to you guys as well cuz I am encouraging the Body of Christ through whatever I can share to reach out, To touch somebodys lives and to make someone truly smile..Why am I using the Holy Scriptures, This is all what Lord God looks at when you are his Landowner and you are his Farmer, his worker, If you not his worker than I do not know what to say but if you are his Farmer, The times we are wasting is alot cuz some may believe that it is never goings to be over, and just laugh with a Joke but I know that He is Judging all of us and he will look at us right in the eyes and ask, I gave you my Seed, I gave you my field, I even gave you a Life to work on my behalf cuz I have chosen you..Why is the field Empty and Why did you Never turn your hearts towards Me..On that day, How can we all respond when he tells you, No, I do not know you, You are not my Sheep, you are a GOat and throws you in the Fire of Hell..That is why it is a great chance even you call yourselves a Christians, means to follow Christ, You guys all has opportunity to do something right to please our Glorious Father, The choice is all in your hands but remember that if your field is empty with no Crops, and ther is nothing to reap your harvest..Only He can Judge you on that Day, But I know that Lord God has placed me in places where I truly enjoy serving Him and also it is beautiful how he always gots my Back, I am always touched by my brothers and sisters in Christ who encourages me in my times of trouble and hardship but also My brother who sends me letters in prison to share and encourage a person like me..I hope that this is very encouragin to you all..In the name of our Lord God I write and share..Thanks for listening Dj..> VERY SPECIAL: MY ENCOURAGEMENT: When a person shares about their true feelings about others, Do you know when the Truth comes out, some people may say alot of the good things to encourage a person and they say because the person made an impact in my life, So if a person truly made an impact and the person or the people who tells another person all the good stuff, How did they made an impact for you, Where is the change that you made because of that person, You see, I talk what is real and up front, not to try to make up things and I can explain my statements How and what made me realize that this person is rite and how that person has been so real and honest with me..Some people tell Lies after Lies just to make someone feel really good, Dont get me wrong cuz I can back it up when I share things from my heart, When people begin to encourage others and they are reals, You see it in funeral homes, People has voices and they speak up or in the wedding days what they feel about the person..For me, I am not married or I am not ready to die yet cuz I believe that Lord God almighty has a great plans for me..While I was driving in my car coming home to think about what should I write to encourage the Body of Christ, I begin to look back of all those few people who truly made an impact in my life, A person cannot work alone, they need someone, or somebody to help them be lifted up and fly with the Eagles and goes higher, without the importance of the people who made you smile, who has been so encouraging and always been there for me, Even tho I do not see alot of people who is trying to lift me up, but those few lights that Lord God has thrown into my life and they Shined like a Star, I began to be touched deeply rooted in my Heart..I felt like, there are times when we all needs to go back to those who made an Huge Impact that you needs to show apprecition somehow and the gift of writing is only thing that I have to give that person My heart..SO I want to share my deeep thoughts and my heart to this person, who is also a sister in Christ, Jaewon Nuna, Nuna, If I never met you, How would my life will be, If I never came back to Dallas from the state of Indiana and choosed not to go back to Global Harvest church, Would you have known me face to face, If I was never sharing when I was at Indiana missing my fams, my brothers and sisters in Christ, Would you even known a person who gives the whole from his Heart, If I never came back, You would of never known me so I believe that Lord God is in the midst of our meet cuz without you today, The Three Loveleters I am sharing from the Holy Scriptures written bY Lord God Jesus to share to us, I would of never thought of it sharing to others.. I would of never worked out my faith or even begin to read the Holy Scriptures Daily so, Lord God Jesus had a plan for you to meet and I to meet you as a family, I remembered that I was sharing with you at a point, I was losing everything, I was drowning cuz I was going through a period of a hardship and Even you saw my pains as I told you the truth about I am losing writing..Whoever knew that from all the sisters IN Christ, it was you who asked me lets meet at Starbucks, And even Brother Coach Tae be with us, There are so many sisters who goes to church, from out of many, Lord God had to pick only one person who knew my heart and my struggles and you even pointed a way for me to break through in my life..No one has ever shown me a Road where you can meet Lord God, No one ever wanted to but all they say is just read the BIBLE, How can you know the words of Scripture when people do not wants to take their time to teach those who are blinded of Truth, Even tho Jaewon nuna is not the teacher for me, But even just mentioning out of her heart, knowing what I was going through and How this can truly glorify God, It truly means something to me in my life, Now, Many people are receiving what I am sharing through what I am learning and if there was no road, or no mentioning cuz of worries for someone like me felt as a writer..It is a powerful experience when someone truly cares about someone who is broken and struggling and How can I ever place that for anything, I look at the Heart of a person cuz Jesus is a teacher who looks at a heart, If there is no heart, there is Nothing even how much a person tries to live rite....It shows How Lord God uses little people who are humbled and who has the heart to share to help by becoming the Hands for others..The truth is that we dont have too many people like who has the caring and tender hearts for others, Some of you guys knows exactly what I means cuz Most of us is in here for ourselves, The hands are there to reach someone who is truly hurting, and that is why I am sharing today with all my families that the impact this nuna has made in my life, The Road, which it took me to Meet my Savior, It is blessing to find that we still have Hope cuz people like Jaewon nUna in the house, Who is a faithful Servent, A worshipper, Who has a tender heart of giving her time to let those who are hurting, she will be a sister too you..What I thank about the most of this sister is that she is a strong and diligent Leader, She is also a great teacher to learn from, Always trying to make the group smile and she truly SHine..I am thankful that if I never meet her, I would of been stuck, I would of never gotten a chance to share with my new brothers and sisters in Christ cuz By then I would not know where to go, I would of stopped writing and I would of let my dreams and my passion as a writer slip away just becuz of the Road I was walking too, I would of been Lost for a long time, But Lord God uses the people in our lives who he sees that makes an Impact cuz if you cannot make an impact, Maybe that is why Lord God is not ready to use you yet cuz you are not ready to receive what he wants to give you..Just two words can change a persons heart and when it hits and penetrates your soul deeply, You begin to think that this person wants the Best for me and there are people out there who does not want the Best from their brothers and sisters in Christ cuz filled with Envy and Jealousy, But like I said, I am reals what I feel..The way I can encourage my Big sister Jaewon is this, I know that she had alots of things to do, and she is still young coming up strong..The mission trips that she goes out too, Just being a Great leader in the Joy for us, the Transformation that she is the part of the team I believe, and how busy her life is being the nurse, also she is going to teach for the sisters discipleship, The thing is that she is Very Blessed and only blessing comes from the Lord God, and I know sometimes she might not feel it, But truly I say to you cuz Lord God Jesus is truly proud of you of what you are doing, Do you see me here still sharing, What you pointed me in the StarBucks Coffee shop, Jaewon Nuna, Do you still see me smiling, Cuz I met the Lord God Now, Jaewon Nuna, Do you see me thanking you, Cuz from all the sisters that I met and people who was plugged in before my Crisis Fell, You were the One who came to me and Asked me a Simple Question, How are you doing in your writings, Enought to trust you that I shared from my heart, And I know that Lord God will even Bless you Greatly..If a person shall be the Helping and opens hands to others, ou just do not knwo who you will meet, and the day you meet the person and be a real person to them, Not just Lord God will bless you, But even the one who was touched and moved deeply will pray for that person cuz of the thanksgiving.. Always Reach out to someone who needs Help, And you will see the Heart of that person who is healed..I hope that this Special letter truly encouraged you..In the name of our Lord God Jesus I write and share..thanks for listening Dj..>Jaewon Nuna, I am always thankful cuz you are in my Life and very Blessed to be in your group and How Good Leader you truly Are...>Smiles always
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:12:40 +0000

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