WWE Raw Results (7/7/14) Montreal, Quebec, Canada Posted By: Elio - TopicsExpress


WWE Raw Results (7/7/14) Montreal, Quebec, Canada Posted By: Elio C. on Jul 07, 2014 Source: Welcome to Monday Night Raw and we are live from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and we kick things off with Roman Reigns making his way through the crowd down and out to the ring. Reigns takes the mic and says Triple H thinks he put Reigns in the battle royal at Battleground to neutralize John Cena or perhaps for Kane to neutralize Reigns and he understands hes a wanted man. Reigns says hes not a pawn in this game, he is the next World Heavyweight Champion. Kane makes his way out to the stage and stares Reigns down. Reigns asks if Kane is standing in for The Authority and calls Kane Randy Ortons b---. Kane walks down to the ring and a brawl breaks out between Kane and Reigns. Officials run down to try and break the brawl up. Reigns gets chokeslammed and Kane attacks a few of the referees before more senior officials make their way down. Kane is sent retreating from the ring after Reigns spears Finlay. Reigns stares at Kane as we go to break -Commercial 8:12pm- The Wyatt Family vs The Usos The Usos clotheslined Rowan over the top rope early on, then Rowan limped around ringside back to the heel corner to regroup. Harper got in offense, then Rowan eventually found himself back in the ring, where he lost control of the match. Jey tagged in, but he lost control on Rowan. The Wyatts exchanged tags heading into commercial. -Commercial 8:21pm- Back from break and a nearfall by Rowan. Rowan has his fists planted in Jeys temple. Rowan misses a clothesline, Harper misses with the big boot. Elbow drop misses its mark. Jimmy gets the tag and crossbody onto Harper. Clothesline to Harper. Samoan Drop to Harper, Jimmy with a moonsault. Superkick blocked by Harper who hits his own. Harper launches himself through the ropes but gets hit with a right hand. Jimmy with the superkick. Jimmy going to the top rope but is distracted by Rowan. Harper cuts Jimmy off and delivers a powerbomb. Harper sent over the ropes and double superkick. The Usos prepare to launch themselves through the ropes but Rowan grabs their ankles tripping them up. Rowan gets taken out as Harper hits a clothesline for the three count The winners of the match: The Wyatt Family Backstage: Randy Orton and Kane are talking and Orton says if anything further had happened at the top of the hour he would have been out there in a second and he has Kanes back just like he knows Kane will have Ortons back at Battleground. Seth Rollins comes in and says he likes what hes seeing here and at Battleground whether its Orton or Kane who wins, Rollins will think twice about cashing in his briefcase. Rollins walks off and Orton says hes starting to hate Rollins and Kane says hes starting to hate Orton -Commercial 8:33pm- Nikki Bella vs Alicia Fox Nikki has her arm tied behind her back. Alicia Fox stalls for time then attacks Nikki. Nikki with a slap to Alicia. Alicia looks under the ring and pulls out a box and takes a bottle of water dumping it on Nikki. Alicia snaps once more as she walks up the ramp to the back The winner of the match: None -Commercial 8:41pm- Rusev vs Rob Van Dam RVD unloads on Rusev. Irish whip reversed by Rusev who misses with right hand. RVD plants Rusev. Rusev with a chinlock on RVD. RVD hits a jawbreaker and Rusev with kicks to RVD. Kneestrike to RVD and Rusev measures him with kicks. Front facelock on RVD. RVD fighting back lands a kick. RVD off the ropes caught by Rusev but RVD with a nearfall. RVD landing a series of kicks to Rusev.. RVD to the top rope lands a dropkick to Rusev. RVD misses with Rolling Thunder but lands on his feet. Rusev with a kick. Stomp on the back by Rusev and The Accolades is locked in forcing RVD to tap out The winner of the match: Rusev -Commercial 8:53pm- Randy Orton vs Dean Ambrose Ambrose taunted Orton early on, then trapped him to the mat and wrenched his arm. Ambrose maintained the advantage working on Orton, but Orton slipped Ambrose face-first into the middle turnbuckle to take control. Orton tried to slow things down with corner punches, but Ambrose said that was taking too long, so he spun Ambrose around and landed ten rapid-fire blows. Ambrose wanted to follow up, but Orton dropped him with a short-arm clothesline. Orton resumed control, then again slowed down the pace and decided to pose, so Ambrose had enough of that and attacked Orton. Ambrose cleared Orton out of the ring heading to break. -Commercial 9:06pm= Orton was in control back from break. He again slowed the pace, which was like an alarm bell going off for crazy Ambrose, but Orton retained control. Ambrose eventually fought back with strikes and kicks and punches, then Ambrose decided to slap on a figure-four leglock out of nowhere. The crowd woooed for Ric Flair as Orton fought the hold, then he eventually leaned back and grabbed the bottom rope for a break. Reset at 13:00 with Orton selling the figure-four work. He sold it so much that he failed to turn around and block a top-rope attack from Ambrose, causing Dean just to fall down. The announcers quickly tried to cover for the botched spot by selling Orton being hurt and Ambrose being crazy. Orton decided to start posing to try to get the crowd back into the match, then Ambrose dumped him over the top rope to the floor. On the outside, Ambrose grabbed a bunch of chairs and chucked them into the ring. Ambrose then rolled Orton into the ring, but Orton bailed, not wanting to take a chair shot. On the outside, though, Orton ran Ambrose shoulder-first into the ringpost, further damaging Dean. Orton then tossed Ambrose into the timekeepers area before grabbing him for a traditional second-rope DDT right into the floor. Orton rolled back into the ring as the referee administered a ten count. Five and some stirring. Seven and to his knees. Nine and a desperation lunge back into the ring just before ten. Orton sighed and re-approached Dean for another DDT, but Ambrose slipped under Orton for a quick two count. Backslide for a two count. Rebound lariat attempt, but Orton saw it coming a la Christians turnaround splash and dropped Ambrose with an RKO to counter. Orton covered Ambrose for the win. The winner of the match: Randy Orton Backstage: Renee Young brought in WWE champion John Cena to boos. Renee noted Orton just beat Ambrose, so how does he feel about the mounting pressure on his title reign? Cena said he is the biggest target in WWE right now, but thats what this is about being WWE champion. He said a lot of people talk about whats best for business, but hes the symbol for handling business. Suddenly, Roman Reigns slid into the interview space. Reigns wished Cena good luck tonight. Cena brought up Reignss strong words earlier, then said he doesnt need luck. Reigns said hes going to need a lot of it at Battleground, then walked off. -Commercial 9:21pm- Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio As the match unfolded, Cole hyped the winner of this match getting a U.S. Title shot against Sheamus tomorrow night on Main Event. The in-ring battle moved to the top turnbuckle, where Del Rio blocked Ziggler and delivered an inverted DDT into a faceplant for a close two count. Ziggler walked into a single-arm DDT, but ducked a corner enziguiri. Ziggler sprung on Del Rio for a Fameasser, which resulted in a two count, then Fandango excused himself. His music played and Fandango hopped on the announce table to dance and taunt Ziggler, who made out with Summer Rae last week. Del Rio then popped Ziggler in the head and scored a three count. Del Rio gets another U.S. Title shot fresh off losing to Sheamus on Smackdown. As Fandango continued to dance and taunt Ziggler, The winner of the match: Alberto Del Rio Backstage: Cody Rhodes, as Stardust, talked to himself, then his dramatic brother, Goldust, walked in to talk in riddles about the cosmos. Suddenly, Goldust had the 1990s wig on to enhance the weirdness. -Commercial- Backstage: Fandango was shown walking down the hallway pleased with himself. Layla then walked up to him and asked what that was all about. Fandango said he cant take someone embarrassing him, but Layla wasnt so sure. She said she doesnt know what he would do if Fandango still cared for Summer Rae. They embraced, then Fandango looked longingly across the hallway. There was Summer Rae standing a distance away returning Fandangos gaze. Bret Hart comes out and says its great to be back in Montreal no matter what happened here in the past and he still gets a rush the way he did when he was WWE Champion and if he could have one more match it would be in Montreal. Damien Sandow then comes out dressed up as Bret Hart and calls himself Bret The Hitman SandHart. He mocks the events of Survivor Series 97 telling Bret he tapped out to his own finisher and was so embarassed he claimed the whole thing was an elaborate scheme. Sandow ends it with saying talking was never Brets strong suit. Bret drops him with a right hand sending him to the outside and says no punching was. -Commercial- Sheamus vs Damien Sandow The match was joined in-progress with Sandow doing Harts moves and mannerisms. Sheamus blocked a Sharpshooter, though, and lined up Sandow for Ten Forearms to the Chest that spilled into 15 or so blows. Sheamus then backed up to the corner looking for a Brogue Kick and smashed Sandow in the face. It was good for a three count as JBL mock shouted about this not happened again to Hart in Montreal. As Sheamus celebrated, Cole re-plugged the repeat U.S. Title match tomorrow night on WWE Network. The winner of the match: Sheamus Backstage: Renee Young brought in The Miz, who was sporting cocky sunglasses and a leather jacket. Miz cut off Renee and introduced the contents from a piece of paper. Miz removed his shades and read a letter from a fan, who was so excited when Miz returned, but then that rat-faced, tattooed Chris Jericho interrupted. The fan instructed Miz to put Jericho in his place. Sincerely, John Russo. Miz got choked up thinking about what would happen to little Johnny Russo if Jericho ruins his face. But, hes ready to give Jericho his close-up. -Commercial- Miz vs Chris Jericho Jericho quickly went after Mizs money-maker, angering the movie star. Meanwhile, the announcers hyped this as a battle of multi-media stars who havent wrestled a lot recently, so theyre a bit rusty. Jericho ran over Miz with a shoulder tackle, then climbed to the top turnbuckle for a chop to the head. Jericho tried to follow with Walls of Jericho, but Miz spun him away. Reset as the crowd became quiet enough for a trash-talker on the front row to get airtime yelling at Miz. Miz then applied a figure-four leglock, but Jericho grabbed the bottom rope for a break. They came to their feet and Jericho struck Miz right in the face. Miz sold it like a low-blow, then Jericho slapped on the Walls of Jericho for a tap-out win. The winner of th match: Chris Jericho Post-match: The Wyatt video interruption suddenly played. Back in the arena, Bray Wyatt was rocking in his chair atop the stage. Bray taunted Jericho for returning to save us, but he cant even save himself. He said he will never, evvvvver let Jericho forget that these people now sing to a different tune. Because he has the whole world in his hands. Suddenly, Jericho interrupted and told Bray to shut the hell up. Quiet, Wyatt, Jericho said. He said Bray is right that actions do speak louder than words. And, his actions are this - hes going to come up that ramp and beat his ass. Jericho started to leave, but the interruption played. Back in the arena, Erick Rowan and Luke Harper were standing next to Bray to guard him against Jericho. Jericho contemplated making a move, but opted to stay put before Raw cut to break. -Commercial- AJ & Paige vs The Funkadactyls The announcers noted a lot of combustible elements to this match with Cameron and Naomi not getting along as of late. Back-and- forth, then Paige got the pin for her team. Afterward, Paige excitedly shook A.J.s hand as if theyre best friends now. The winners of the match: AJ & Paige Post Match: Meanwhile, Cameron and Naomi had more issues following their loss. Cameron finger-pointed Naomi on the heiiad, then a shoving match broke out. They eventually scrapped. It turned into more of a fight than a scrap, requiring a referee to separate them. -Commercial- Kof Kingston vs Cesaro Kingston goes after Cesaro. Dropkick on the outside and Kingston continues the attack. Back in the ring, Cesaro takes control. Double axehandle to the back. Kingston gutwrenched back into the ring. Cesaro runs into a boot following an irish whip. Kingston goes for the crossbody but Cesaro catches him. Kingston blocks The Neutralizer. Cesaro blocks a sunset flip. Military press by Cesaro. Double stomp on Kingston. Kingston with a roll up out of nowhere for the three count Post Match: Kingston attacks Kingston but Big E runs out for the save -Commercial- Bo Dallas vs El Torito Once the bell sounded, Bo watched as Torito ran circles around the ring. Bo then got down on both knees, so Torito playfully whipped him with his tail. Torito followed with a crotch shot, then a slap to the face, angering Bo. Bo then shoved down the non- injured Matador ringside with Torito. Bo lost his cool, then knocked down Torito back in the ring. He regained his cool and his smile, then dropped Torito with a running Bo-Dog for the pin and the win. The winner of the match: Bo Dallas Post-match: A victory lap for Dallas, including accidentally running over Torito when he did not see him recovering on the outside and not breaking stride. And there was Torito face-down on the floor to wrap the segment. -Commercial- John Cena vs Seth Rollins Rollins controlled the champion heading to an early commercial break squeezed in before the top of the hour. -Commercial- Back live one minute before the top of the hour, Cena powered out of a mathold with an electric chair. Rollins regained control, though, and Cena returned to selling Rollinss early attack. Rollins continued to work on Cena until the champ came back with a big powerbomb to counter a running attack by Rollins. Cena shook off the attack before climbing to the top turnbuckle, where Rollins caught him with a head attack that resulted in a two count. Cena came back with the STFU out of nowhere, Cena re-applied center- ring of the ring, and Kanes pyro suddenly shot off. Cena released the hold as Kane walked down the ramp toward the ring. Cena backed right into Randy Orton, who attacked Cena from behind. No bell to be heard for a DQ, as the ref apparently bailed when Kane hit the ring. The winner of the match: None Post Match: Orton, Kane, and Rollins beat Cena until Roman Reignss music played. Reigns walked down the ramp instead of through the crowd, and Reigns promptly dropped Kane with a Superman Punch. He also blasted Orton in the ring. But, Rollins popped Reigns with the MITB briefcase. Then, Cena took a briefcase shot to the head. Rollins contemplated cashing in the briefcase, but how could he cash in when the previous match never ended? Another ref emerged to receive the case from Rollins, but Dean Ambrose showed up through the crowd to spear Rollins to the ground. Ambrose ran Rollins up the ramp to the back as Cole house-cleaned on no MITB cash-in again this week Back in the ring, Cena was waking up as Randy Orton slid into the ring. Orton thought he had Cena ready for an RKO, but Cena sprung on him with an AA. Kane wanted a chokeslam on Cena, though, only to take a spear from Roman Reigns. The Shields music played as Reigns and Cena stood tall in the ring. Reigns then yanked Cenas hand in the air for the faces to stand tall, but Cena was taken aback by the gesture, not trusting anyone right now. Spear, spear chant from the crowd, then Cena returned the gesture by holding Reignss hand in the air. Cena and Reigns came face-to- face, then Reigns held Cenas hand in the air to boos. Cena sold slight annoyance as Raw signed off eight minutes past the top of the hour. -End Show-
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 05:35:20 +0000

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