Want a good example of how insane our current health care system - TopicsExpress


Want a good example of how insane our current health care system is? A family member of mine just had laser hemorrhoidectomy surgery in Korea. The total costs including doctor visits, preliminary scoping, lab work, laser surgery, an overnight stay in the hospital....total bill ---$190.00-- One Hundred Ninety Dollars ! My family member asked me what it might cost in the US..... so I did a little research and found a lot of info, but just two examples illustrate the point. In N. Carolina, costs for the same procedure was $12,000 in 2010, as reported by one patient. In Los Angeles a patient stated that the cost of his laser hemorrhoidectomy in 2009 was $15,000. Both of these people noted that it was covered under their health insurance plan. What if they had not HAD health insurance? Most likely they would have had to choose to live in pain and further potential complications. I found two posts from people without insurance who paid the bill out of pocket here in the US.... One paid $4800-- The other paid $6,000. And these were with limited preliminary testing, and no hospital stay. They should have paid for a plane ticket to Korea (round trip--$800-$900 if you fly in the winter months) I found one post from a patient who had the same surgery in Peru....costs were less than $500, including a 2 day stay in the hospital. Peru--less than $500--- Korea, less than $200... same procedures...same results for the patients! Where do you suppose that the differential in US costs and the cost in Korea and other parts of the world are going to? Think about it! The American people had better wake up to the fact that we are all being played for suckers in health care, health insurance, pharmaceuticals ... the entire system rapes the US public at every turn! We have been asleep for far too long, and the current bickering about Obamacare is laughable if it were not so totally pathetic. At least the law is trying to make changes to the absolutely corrupt and damaging system we currently are victims of...but it does not go nearly far enough-- the current players in the system are still pulling all the strings!! All I hear from the Republicans and the sheep that follow their talking points is that the current US Healthcare system is The finest healthcare system in the world .... UH HUH !! SURE!! If you are one of them, you need to call me about the fantastic lunar real estate I have for listed for sale! The whole scene would make me sick, if I could afford to get sick.... as I currently have no health insurance. Get smarter America!! The rest of the world is laughing at you!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 22:56:20 +0000

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