We are back today with part 2 talking about the snatch support. On - TopicsExpress


We are back today with part 2 talking about the snatch support. On Tuesday, Jon Wong (@iamjwjw) discussed why the snatch balance shouldnt be considered a balance. Today, we will go through points of performance for the snatch support. Take note in the video how the shape, movement and tempo of the snatch support closely relates to the snatch itself. If your assistance exercises relate differently to the actual lifts, there will be less value in its transfer. Points of performance: . 1. Bar is set on shoulders, with grip set on the bar similar to your Snatch. 2. The body is relaxed, with enough tension to maintain posture. Focus on connecting the bar to your legs (notice what Coach Wu @wuchuanfu does before he goes into the second rep, this little leg movement helps re-establish the connection of the bar to his legs). Arms stay relaxed as well; excessive tension in the shoulders/arms would slow your movement and compromise your receiving position. 3.The dip should have a similar movement pattern as your Back Squat. Upon achieving approximately quarter depth squat, drive up aggressively through your quads. As the bar un-weights off your body, drive the body down with arms (do not use the arms to try and push the bar overhead). . 4. With the arms locked, the legs are immediately supporting the load (notice how Coach Wu receives the bar in a power position and supports the the load down, rather than letting it crash into him by dropping down into the bottom of the squat). . 5. Support the load to a standing position and repeat as necessary to achieve awesomeness.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:03:58 +0000

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