We, as Catholics, must do our best to remind the secular society - TopicsExpress


We, as Catholics, must do our best to remind the secular society that this day called Halloween is really All Hallows’ Eve. If we are celebrating the eve of the feast of All Saints, then people should be able to tell. And why not give the Saints their honor due? Dress up as a Saint this All Hallows’ Eve as you travel about collecting your candy. And instead of saying Trick or Treat!, why not wish those who give you treats a Happy All Hallows’ Eve! instead. And who knows? Maybe, by your good example, people will be curious to learn more about All Hallows’ Eve. Perhaps they’ll investigate the reason for the feast and try to honor it themselves. They may even study the lives of the Saints and in particular, try to find out more about the Saint that you dressed up as.If you go out on All Hallows’ Eve, try to dress as something holy. Say something positive and Catholic, like Happy All Hallows’ Eve and if you receive some treat say God Bless you. If you want to offer up eating some candy that night, or giving some of your favorite candy away, remember to offer it in Jesus’ Name through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These types of actions would be virtuous.What you may not do is dress up as anything that glorifies sin, horror, or rebellion from God. Also you must not eat a lot of the candy all at once. Of course, you must never actually say or do anything bad if someone refuses to give you a treat. These types of actions would be sinful. You can also just go out, dressed up as something that is neither holy nor evil, collect your candy, go home when your done and eat some of it. This is neither sinful nor virtuous. The world and the devil have certainly put a lot of energy into devolving our holy days into holidays. This does not mean that every holiday is evil, but it does mean that those days that began as Roman Catholic feastdays and are now just secular holidays are bad because they have destroyed everything that is holy about those days. God has been removed from them and that is always bad. But many people have been raised with these secularized holy days and we must always have great patience and kindness when we are trying to explain to people why it is wrong to sing Jingle bells at Christmas, or get drunk on St. Patrick’s day, or focus on an Easter bunny instead of our Resurrected Redeemer, etc. We can try to explain to them what we believe is right, but if they do not see it for themselves we must pray for them so that they will receive the grace to understand what truly glorifies and pleases God. So you see now some of the wrong ways to participate in All Hallows’ Eve as well as those that are permissible. You’ve also received some ideas for actions that would be virtuous. If you choose to do any of these virtuous actions make sure that it does not disturb the peace in your house. You must obey your parents in all things except sinful things. Parent may not permit or encourage their children to dress up in any way that offends God or to eat an excessive amount of candy. But if your brothers or sisters do not want to dress up as something holy (as long as it is not un-holy either) it is important not to get upset with them. Also, if we choose to give up our candy but others in our family do not, it is again important not to get upset with them or your parents. Virtue must be freely chosen. Instead, pray for them and set a good example. This is always the best way to convince people to change their lives if they will not listen right away. I hope you found this information helpful. There is so much more about growing in holiness and becoming a Saint. Would you like to become a Saint? It’s what God created you to be. In a very real way it is, in a manner of speaking, your destiny and the only true fulfillment of your life. All of us here at the Catholic Kingdom are praying that you have the courage, make the effort, and become the great Saint God created you to be. Please pray the same for us. May this All Hallows’ Eve bring you and all who you love closer to Our Lord, Our Lady and all of the Saints! God Bless you all! You and your families have a safe and blessed All Hallows’ Eve!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 00:32:09 +0000

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