We come from a place where names don´t matter anymore We come - TopicsExpress


We come from a place where names don´t matter anymore We come from a place where dreams stay as dreams, We come from a place where hatred is taking over our hearts where violance is more common than a hug, Where being sensitive to others is a sign of weakness, We come from a time and place where power is our priority, from a time where being what society wants us to be is more important than being ourselves A place where seeing tears ad hatred in people´s faces is easier than looking at pure smiles and then hearing laughter We are from the times in which being indifferent is an easier way out than standing up for what we believe and feel Where judging others beliefs and form of life is much more easier than tryng to understand them We just come from all these places but we can decide to which place we want to be and go to, but we also are from a place were we haven´t lost hope yet the place where we can still cure the indifference and cold hearts of people, if we could just open our eyes from the darkness we have being for so long and open them to see the obvious answer, LOVE
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 03:30:50 +0000

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