We could go for neighborhood walk without a plan, enjoy the fresh - TopicsExpress


We could go for neighborhood walk without a plan, enjoy the fresh air, renewed energy, and think about our day. It would be considered a successful walk. We could also go on an extended trek through an unfriendly region, maybe, like the deserts of Iran, without a plan. The ACA falls somewhere between the two extremes, but is much closer to the second example because of the issue of liberty. Let’s start out with our trek in the middle of an Iranian summer, having a backpack with camping gear, a small supply of water, and some food. As we make our way for a couple of hours we stop to converse on how we might cross a ravine, then we continue following our new decision. Having some struggles, we use valuable energy to achieve our goal and make it to the pass. Tired, we rest a bit and see a river in our path. We look up and down the rushing current for the best spot to cross but cannot find any safe relief, so we follow the shore for some time then decide to rest for the night. We manage to find a safe spot then realize one of us has forgotten the tent. It’s warm, so we don’t see any harm in sleeping under the stars and lay out an area to sleep. During the night the wind blew and dust covered our belongings. As morning broke, while we were cleaning the fine dust from our belongings, a small group of armed men came up on our site. They asked many questions, but we couldn’t understand what they were saying. The leader grabbed our backpack and rummaged through it and found my Bible. (Yes, I usually have either a Bible or related information in some media form, on me.) He tossed the book into the river, and walked off with the remaining portion of our food and supplies. Our journey continues, experiencing the same encounters like the ones listed. No defined goal, no clear communication, not beneficial for ALL the people involved, power over us by people who have no vested interest in our outcome, the use of our resources to benefit other people, and in the end we will end up at a destination that may be to our detriment. In this narrative, the hike was not clearly defined with a goal in mind. Neither is there a clear goal explained in the product of ACA. For many that have read the words of the founding fathers of Socialism, the current law of ACA is only a step to the next phase in a socialist program. In fact, the political leaders for this legislation did not know its far reaching contents before it was signed into law. The danger listed in our pretend journey has many real metaphors that are apparent in this healthcare act. From the unknown regulations and final costs to the forced submission to ideas produced by another individual that does not benefit me the same way it benefits other people. Imagine all the minute details excluded to protect our liberty. It is a mass exercise in telling the industry and me what we must do or be under recourse from the IRS --the same IRS that targeted certain innocent citizens in the last election cycle. I understand this may be viewed as an extreme example, but it is not. Not more than a few decades ago our fellow neighbors were subjected to substandard education, loss of productive opportunity, and the unlawful suppression of basic inseparable rights listed in our Constitution and protected by the government as long as you were not of a particular skin color; all supported at the time by SCOTUS. Into the first quarter of the last century about half the population was not allowed to voice their opinion at the ballot box because of the will of the majority that were not female. It is not the acts that are the issue, but human nature’s need to control others; some of these past sins are still quietly happening. Government agencies are filled with caring people, but not all of them care. In one of a few cases that I personally know the people involved, this despicable act stands out: Tommy paid well over a million dollars, the initial cost of building dairy ponds to government supplied prints and specifications. After the ponds were NOT working as intended, he hired engineers to locate the problem and fix it at an additional cost of over $600,000. The problem was a flaw in the government blueprints, again, supplied by the government. As it turned out, there was another landowner that had an interest in Tommy’s land/business and wanted to eliminate the competition by using his friends in the Dept. of Agriculture and EPA. Tommy paid dearly with his good name being ruined on the television and in the newspapers. In the end the truth was found and he got his attorney fees back but the total damage and heartache caused by the government representatives will never be compensated. The bottom line is there is no expectations implied for accountability from a government bureaucrat, whether in the Department of Agriculture, EPA, prosecutor’s office, or the IRS; few are free from the desire of unregulated power of law making and governing the affairs of other individuals. This argument of ACA is NOT about websites, paying $15 vs. $4 for prescriptions, private vs. a government collective, pointing fingers, age, service time or any of the current superficial polemics being discussed –it is about liberty, my liberty and my choice. I realize my selfish choice creates a dilemma for progressive liberals as they have a better choice for me. Many progressives cannot fix something and leave it alone; those think everything can be improved to their over-controlling definition of the term. The elite in this group aren’t that smart –they are just like the rest of us, only with a better usage of the belittling eye roll. There is a certain attitude of superiority with both political philosophies that has closed the ears of the opposite group. I can’t say that the conservatives have left the liberals embracing their freedom of choice with their uncanny ability to regulate personal moral decisions. This country was NOT set up as a democracy for good reasons; a democracy has the popular ruling the unpopular. Think of the implications if you were an atheist and the Christians were the government, or a reversal of the example, or even belonging to a minority sect within “Christiandom”. We are a constitutional republic that protects individual rights. James Madison’s argument for ratifying the Constitution and the Amendments foresaw the plight we now see ourselves part of. He stated, “It has been objected also against a bill of rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration; and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the General Government, and were consequently insecure.” The whole of the writing clearly states that our unwritten rights do not belong to the federal government or a majority rule. As we continue through history, our politicians have taken what has always been clear, subjected it to ambiguity, only to redefine it to fit their political philosophy of “the end justifies the means”. The public has been an accomplice in this confusion and the divide it has caused between ALL groups of this society. We are at a period in the process of central government control where we have created victims and culprits; the groundwork for Socialism. I do not want to discredit the empirical examples of your argument with my history on this subject. Your argument is as valid as mine. The government is not looking at the complete package in their solution. Their decision has been to increase the grip of their power beyond its intended design. I know there is an answer that most of our society would agree with –as it stands now, the minority is implementing this law on the majority…as they see it to our benefit.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 04:32:16 +0000

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