Week 4 Theme: The My People The Monday Crew Praise the Lord - TopicsExpress


Week 4 Theme: The My People The Monday Crew Praise the Lord precious children of God. Behold a new week for us to focus on a very essential theme. This is the theme that highlights in depth the character of they that the Lord esteems. They that the Lord refers to as MY OWN. Hallelujah. May the wisdom of the Lord abound in this weeks sharing so we may go deeper and unveil that which is already available for our benefit. Amen. Now, let us start off the week by pointing out the genesis of this very outstanding title MY PEOPLE Turn to John 3:16 FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD. THAT HE GAVE HIS ONE AND ONLY SON THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH. BUT HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. From this verse, we get to learn that the foundation of our being adopted into the family of God is LOVE. Love is the bedrock of the abundant life that is available to whoever shall accept the gift so given by God. Love, which truly defines God, should be our number one focus because within it is the treasure that we need to be able to walk with God like Enoch did. Lets systematically get this treasure that is hidden in Love by turning to the love chapter found in 1 Cor 13:4-8 LOVE IS PATIENT, LOVE IS KIND,IT DOES NOT ENVY, IT DOES NOT BOAST,IT IS NOT PROUD. IT IS NOT RUDE, IT IS NOT SELF-SEEKING, IT IS NOT EASILY ANGERED,IT KEEPS NO RECORD OF WRONGS. LOVE DOES NOT DELIGHT IN EVIL BUT REJOICES WITH THE TRUTH. IT ALWAYS PROTECTS,ALWAYS TRUSTS, ALWAYS HOPES, ALWAYS PERSEVERES. LOVE NEVER FAILS. The above verses clearly demonstrate the genetic make up of God thats always transmitted to they that are adopted into the family via the blood of Jesus. If these genes are not found in our bodies, the implication is, we dont belong...we are not the THE MY PEOPLE. ..We are living a lie. It is time to arise and find out why your chromosomes lack these essential proteins. It is time to make every effort to ensure illegitimacy is removed via repentance. Hallelujah precious people of God. It is time to carry out a self lab test to ascertain whether you are legitimate or not. Let us not be deceived by our hearts into believing WE ARE WHEN WE ARE NOT. Time is now for on that day, there shall be no room for repentance. The pretenders will be told I NEVER KNEW YOU. Hallelujah In short, I have laid the background of our sharing this week. Let they that have ears HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT IS SAYING ....slalom.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 01:14:40 +0000

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