Welcome to Spring 2014 and Astrology Forecast March 16-22 by Leo - TopicsExpress


Welcome to Spring 2014 and Astrology Forecast March 16-22 by Leo Knighton Tallarico A bit earlier than I anticipated, the winds of the powerful April planetary configurations are already blowing through our emotions and lives. Many are already being taken out of their usual equilibrium, and being challenged to respond to the difficulties being presented to them. It is time for all of us to “raise our game” as we will be surfing higher tides of change. April 15 brings us the 1st of two eclipses, a Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries/Libra. On April 29 there will be a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus. And from April 19-23 there will be an exact Cardinal Grand Cross, pretty much right in between the eclipses. I expected us to feel and begin to experience the intensity after the New Moon in Aries on March 30, but now as we approach the Full Moon in Pisces/Virgo Sunday March 16 And Spring Equinox on March 20 there is already evidence of cosmic power. Of course 3 legs of the 4 legged Grand Cross are already in close orb with one another: Jupiter in Cancer; Uranus in Aries; and Pluto in Capricorn, forming a Cardinal T-square. In April they will get even closer in orb to one another, as they all go into 13+ degrees of their respective signs. Then the 4th leg joins for a Cardinal Grand Cross when Mars goes to 13+ degrees of Libra. And this happens in the midst of Eclipse Season in the month of April. Our collective and individual lives are getting stimulated to evolve and progress. And in the process our “weaknesses” are being poked and prodded, being brought forward in our consciousness to witness and work with. For instance if you have a deep wound about abandonment, circumstances may ensue that remind you of that wound. You then have the opportunity, perhaps after some distress around it, to see that wound in a new light, and to work to transform how it operates in your consciousness and life. If you are tempted to go to old patterns of beating yourself up or losing trust or letting fear take over, you can stop the downward slide into pits of emotional suffering and instead rise to new levels of awareness and personal evolution. We are all moving into a New Chapter of life on Planet Earth, an Age of Aquarius. And at times when planetary power increases as it will be this spring 2014, energies are being spiked so we can grow into the consciousness and lives appropriate to the New Light of a New Age. But the process is not always easy, as is usual with births of all kinds. We are often faced with our demons and doubts, experience grief and regret, anger and fear. We learn to release as well as we can these old programs and habits, and open to trust what is coming on our path. After the New Moon in Aries on March 30, we will be more in outer action mode, new beginnings more fully being experienced. What is happening now is merely a prelude or preparation before the action picks up in April. The Full Moon on March 16 at 1:08 PM EDT is the annual Pisces/Virgo Full Moon. It is a Full Moon that seeks to assist us in letting go more fully of our egos, and instead embrace our surrender to the Universe and own our path of service. There is also a balance sought at this Full Moon in Pisces/Virgo between the unseen spiritual/soul/emotional plane and the tangible/material/scientific plane.. For instance, your illness is a result of the germs you picked up, but it is also a result of some psychological/emotional need you may have also. You perhaps got sick because you need to slow down and nurture your self and also because you picked up some virus or germ. That is the balance between soul oriented Pisces and physically oriented Virgo. What they both have in common is a need to be humble and submissive to something greater than one’s ego. So use this potentially healing Full Moon to be more receptive to what has been or will soon be coming your way. We often have little control over what comes our way, but do have the ability to respond in a beneficial and healthy manner to what we are given. Trust that what is best for your soul’s journey is coming your way, even if it is not what your ego would choose. Or as the Rolling Stones say, paraphrased, “you can’t always get what you want, …….but you get what you need.” Also most importantly this coming week, on Thursday March 20 at 12:57 PM EDT there is the Spring Equinox 2014, Sun going into Aries. At Spring Equinox dark and light, yin and yang are equal. But right after that moment of equanimity, Yang and Light energies begin to gain in strength. This moment is like the daily sunrise moment. It is time to energetically shift our of winter’s slumber, wipe away the dust from our eyes, and begin to embrace active energy again. Aries is the force of buds coming through tree branches; a new baby’s life; a teenager’s movement into puberty; a pioneer’s finding a new path; a person’s courage to stand up for what they know is right; a statement of “I AM” what I AM, and proud of it; a frank and straightforward expression; self assertion; taking care of one’s own needs; and needs for independence. It takes courage to truly be alive, to not just coast through life, and Aries is that fire of desire to survive. Aries can also be competition and battles or war. In the greater world the balance of power is shifting. The USA is in the crosshairs of the Grand Cross this spring. Its natal Sun is at 13+ degrees of Cancer and exactly in the Cardinal Grand Cross pattern. What is happening with Russia in Ukraine, in Iran, with Israel and the Palestinians is all coming to a head. Expect new and perhaps explosive events to boil over. These events and a shaky recovery from the recession of 2008-09 could blow up the markets soon. Natural events could also be powerful this spring, like earthquakes, etc. These expected shakeups of the structures that govern the world of societal programs and paradigms will clear the way for new lights of awareness to come through our lives and consciousness. The way we were programmed to see truth, the way we were programmed to view those who are “different” from us, the way we were programmed to behave, the way we were programmed to close our hearts and minds for the good of the “rules” for living; all these are ripe for powerful transformational change. We are learning how to see the truth, to react with love and compassion, to learn better ways to live than what has been programmed into us; while at the same time learning to be safe and secure and fit in as best we can. Now with the power of Spring Eclipse Season upon us, we will be taken out of our familiar comfort zones and asked to “raise our awareness”, release what is ready to die, and enter new zones and chapters of our lives. The spike in intensity, healing, and transformation this Spring Eclipse Season 2014 should be even more powerful than other recent Eclipse Seasons. See you next week, Leo direct link: spiritualtherapy.wordpress/2014/03/15/welcome-to-spring-2014-and-astrology-forecast-march-16-22/
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 02:20:01 +0000

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