Welcome to the Journey Welcome to the first blog of Answers for - TopicsExpress


Welcome to the Journey Welcome to the first blog of Answers for the Pathways of Life. I am excited to be exploring truth and seeking answers with you. I do not have all the answers to lives great questions. I am still learning and growing in my knowledge and understanding of truth. I do know and believe that the Word of God is Truth, so I address all questions from a biblical world view. Everyone has a world view, but many people do not understand what their world view is. To be able to find the answers to the questions in your life you must identify what is affecting your thinking. World view is simply the beliefs you have to build your values, and the way you understand the world around you and the world at large. The first aspect, and I would say the most important aspect, of a world view is what do you believe about God? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in one God, or many gods? Do you believe that everything is god, or that god is in everything? What we believe about God will determine how we view the rest of life, and will affect our search for truth. The easiest way to see this is with in science. You can have two scientists of equal training and experience look at the exact same research on how the world began and come to totally opposite conclusions. Why? Because one rules out God and does not consider Him a possibility and the other believes that God is the reason we are here, so each scientist will interpret the information based on their world view. What you believe about God will also affect how you view truth and how you treat truth. Atheist, agnostics, and many other world views tend to see truth as relative. Without God there is not a standard for truth, except for what standard man wishes to make up or that is forced upon him. Without God the standard for truth will continually change and evolve or devolve. With the standard for truth constantly changing morality and ethics tend to be circular. In other words what was right in the past is wrong for now, but just like the styles of clothes we wear if you wait long enough it will be right again. Relative truth will be a topic for future blogs, but I just wanted to point out how our view of God affects every aspect of life. I hope through this blog it will open our hearts and minds to truth and understanding. I don’t want to come across as the authority and the one with all the answers, because I am not and I do not. Someone may ask a question that I cannot answer at the time the question is asked, but I will do my best to research it and seek for truth. I also hope to bring words of encouragement and thoughts to brighten your day and life. My ultimate goal is to point people to the ultimate truth in Jesus Christ, and encourage Christians to live this truth out every day.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 16:49:59 +0000

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