Well, I should have posted this on Friday, but I got busy. I - TopicsExpress


Well, I should have posted this on Friday, but I got busy. I have now completed my second time through the Bible in 90 Days. This time I read The Message as a way to get a different persective, especially since the last one was NIV. Doing it again was very valuable, but I have definitely decided to do something different in my reading time for a while. Probably still some spiritual reading, just not the Bible this cycle. Im sure Ill do it another time, though. This time I noticed most of the same things I noticed about Bible reading the previous time. This one I mostly noticed things about The Message itself. First off, I found the Old Testament hard to read. I thought the more contemporary language to be a distraction for some reason. I thought the Psalms would be more in his wheelhouse, but I didnt enjoy them much, either. Likewise, the Gospels, perhaps because I was familiar with them and had expectations about how they would be presented. That said, I really thought that some of the prophets, Acts, and a lot of Paul and the other Epistles were really good, and benefitted from his language. I also really liked his tendency to translate names in colloquial terms was good for me, since a lot of the underlying word play is lost on me when I read it translation (which, do be honest, I do almost always these days). And the way he translates the names of God differently was very cool to me. The High God, God of the Angel Armies and so on really are different. In short, Ill keep The Message as part of my homilietic preparation, and for general idea generation, but its not going to be my regular study or reading Bible. Overall, I still recommend taking on the discipline of reading the Bible cover to cover. If youre wondering if you should, you totally should. Im happy to help however I can. No need to do it in 90 days. A year is more easily doable. In my view, doing it is more important than how. Thanks again to those of you who encouraged me to repeat this experiment. I am not sorry I did that.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:02:58 +0000

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