Well... Today wasnt the best of days. Maylea woke up playing - TopicsExpress


Well... Today wasnt the best of days. Maylea woke up playing with her sissy and best friend, dancing with her Furby, acting like her normal self..then she started to scare me. Rewind to last night she became upset over something very small and ran screaming to her room, when my best friend followed her to her room, she was crying, asking why God put this in her. He made her mean and ugly. When Brooke told me this I decided we needed a night together to talk and get her to talk to me about how she feels....I had never heard her say something like that and it shocked me and put pain in the broken pieces of what used to be my heart. Back to today, after Mayleas best friend left I ran out of my room after hearing a scream and a slam up against the wall, to find May curled up in a ball, crying...saying she had a pain in her stomach. I laid her down on the couch and gave her a drink of water, she fell really quiet and began to open her eyes wide and squint like she couldnt focus. When she caught me looking at her she would smile like nothing was wrong. As I was walking down the hall, I saw Maylea grabbing her head, she finally told me it felt like she had worms crawling around in her brain. I gave her her oils, held her and began to rock her. I walked into the kitchen and felt like someone had punched me in the stomach, chest and throat. It just pulled me into the sad, torturous reality that this monster is still inside my whole world, trying to take her from me. She is laying down in my bed asleep now and I am still sitting here, reeling....there is no worse feeling, nothing more painful, more horrifying, devastating, infuriating...her MRI is approaching quickly. She is so happy and full of life right now. God, please...everyone please pray for my Maylea. She deserves more time. Mayleas mommy
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:53:34 +0000

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