Well as I come to you again this morning, requesting pray for the - TopicsExpress


Well as I come to you again this morning, requesting pray for the Gilliam family. We are all definitely in a state where there isnt any TIME, TIME has no meaning when your at this point in life.............All you have on your mind, in your thoughts and your heart is When shall he see Jesus? and Oh Lord we dont want too loose this precious loved one from here and at the same time we dont want this tremedously loved one to suffer Its actually a place in between the existence of time and the non existence of time........for the things we would be worrying and striving with/for on a daily basis, going on as if though we have control, that stops at this point in anyones life. So, with that being said, I have some very specific prayer requests: As ALWAYS my first and foremost prayer request would be to pray for the lost that are seeking Gods tremendous love to know and to become a child of the KING. Now, Please remember Clotine as she is fighting a battle that I know nothing about and pray never to have too. God is hearing the cries from his people and he is carrying us all through this troublesome time. The blessed part is that we know, these troublesome times will not last forever and the ones that are ready to go will never ever have any trouble, sorrow or strife beyond the grave. However, through the prayers, God is definitely carrying this family through this very difficult year. We know and realize it could be so much worse and that others are having it way worse than we are.............however, I had a wonderful friend tell me one time, it doesnt matter that other people are going through harder times, it doesnt matter how big or how small the problem you are having is, GOD wants to hear from YOU!! So, that has helped me a lot, to know that even if its just to say I love you sweety Jesus, God wants to hear from me, his child. How many times does your parents say, Cant you just call once in a while? While you can, oh Lord while you can talk to them visit them, do it, for there is coming a day that either youll go away, or they will beyond this mortal time............so cherish each and every moment and weigh up what is the most important, your loved ones, or that next big paycheck?? I covered Clotine, now for Dennie (my precious husband) and Glenna (Dennies sister, my sister n law).........Willard, Dennie and Glenna are the only 3 living in a family of nine children. So, please keep them in your prayers............ Also, a precious sister in Christ, We THANK GOD so much that he brought her through the surgery with a high hand and that they do believe they got all the cancer. Im not sure what the plans are from here, but it sure was good to hear that precious mothers voice Tuesday after surgery on Monday......... Sorry about writing a book, however, I just write as the Lord brings it to my mind, I do not meditate on this or write it down, this is all straight from a very simple post in my mind to request prayers specifically for Clotine, Dennie and Glenna...........Well?? I pray that God Bless you each and everyone through out lifes journey and that when you lay down the burdens of this life, you will gain that glorious blest forever!! Today is definitely a somber day...........We MUST remember what Jesus said, This is a day the Lord hath made, rejoice in it and be exceedingly glad there in (not exact quote but doesnt change the meaning)........ So, praying everyone takes time at least for one second today to look up and say, THANK YOU LORD!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:12:28 +0000

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