Well, folks, its been an eventful weekend. Two events, both quite - TopicsExpress


Well, folks, its been an eventful weekend. Two events, both quite literally life-changing, have taken place in our home. One, well, most of you know about already. We adopted another dog, and so far, Merlin has settled in well. The second has been coming, I think, for some time... whether or not I wanted to admit it to myself. For the past several months Ive been working at a job that has left me physically, emotionally, and creatively exhausted. Swing shifts... if youve worked them, you know they can be brutal. Since taking the job, Ive not ridden my horse, nor sewn much of anything. Me. No sewing. No riding. SERIOUSLY?! Worse that that, Ive barely seen my family. Day shift starts before most folks are out of bed, and see me abed by 9:00. Nights (which I still cant believe they call afternoons), let me see M for a grand total of 10 minutes before I have to leave the house, and I see Craig for 2 hours when I fall into bed at 3:00 in the morning and he gets up at 5. Not the life I want... at least not now. So, today Ive done something that no sane person would probably do. I submitted my 2 weeks notice. No...Ive no job, per se, waiting in the wings. Ive applied to a few places, and will be sending out a few more resumes soon. This leap of faith, however, leave me free. Free for what? Ya... the bills will still sure as heck be there. But theres more to life, isnt there? Theres being there when your daughter gets home from school, and having meals with the family. Theres time to spend with my horse, and GODS know time to see my friends who Im sure think Ive dropped off the face of the earth. And yes... time to sew. Ive several big projects lined up, and am hoping that those will lead to more. Only the universe knows for certain.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 01:33:38 +0000

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