Well it is Thursday. Already another week almost over. Through - TopicsExpress


Well it is Thursday. Already another week almost over. Through this week conversation it seems storms are trying to just overwhelm and overcome people. Being diagnosed with cancer, loss of a family member, loss of job, friends ending friendship, and yet even another divorce, fighting an addiction. Everyone screaming, WHY ME!! Then I think of an old country song WHY NOT ME haha. In the crapiest moments we may not be able to see how we can keep from breaking. When the winds and the rain are as strong as a hurricane....But I can say God is greater and he knows your pain. He is our shelter, our refuge and our stronghold!! God wants to work in your heart and on your problems you. You may not be able to understand the why, but he does. Trust in Gods sovereignty. Look expectantly for his faithfulness. God is holding you up!! Praise him even in your darkest hour!! A couple of years ago was one of my darkest hours. A few weeks before I had recommitted to the Lord. He held me from turning back and I praise him for it everyday. We can endure anything with God leading us. Praise God today!! I can say put all of your faith in God. In your dark broken place he will shine his light, show his Glory and mend that brokenness. Redeem you and Transform you!! Here is a story I read, In the middle of the storm, a weeping willow sways instead of snapping. As raindrops puddle around the base of its trunk, in the worst storm ever, the tree absorbs the water and stands strong. Let God water your soul today and you will stand strong!! Romans 8:26-27New International Version (NIV) 26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. Thank you Lord Jesus, Lord we Praise you and Thank you for watering our soul. Lord Thank you for your word that fills our hearts and guides us. Thank you Lord for your forgiveness when we stumble and for unconditionally loving us the way you do. Praise your name Lord!! Thank you for your Word that waters our soul. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that moves us through this world. Thank you for dying on the cross for our sins so we may live with you forever Lord!! Thank you for the many blessings you provide for us Lord. Our silent prayers are lifted and we stand in the gap for those who cant do it alone Lord!! Thank you and Praise to you Lord. Lord help us to be a servant to those that are broken right now. Give us the right words to speak. Lead us Oh Lord . Lord God we lift up Kelly Davis and her family and pray your Love and comfort fills all of them. Father we lift up our sick family and friends and ask your healing hand be on them as they recover. Lord bless them and keep them close to you. Lord as we go thru this day please watch over each and every one of us. Lord we pray for our children. watch over them and their schools today. Bless their teachers Lord. Thank you for being our strong hold Lord. Bless us with your presence for all to see Lord. In your name we pray...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:33:41 +0000

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