Well, its Tuesday. A lot of things on my mind, at this moment. - TopicsExpress


Well, its Tuesday. A lot of things on my mind, at this moment. For one, i am fresh off the excitement of the weekend, meeting with a great group of men and partners in the faith at the recent DMG Conference held at Camp Loucon in Lietchfield, KY. I was reminded once again of the importance of, and the viability of, meeting with brothers and sisters in Christ in environments like this. All of these conferences are fantastic opportunities to get your spiritual batteries recharged, to rearrange your messed up priorities, and finally to righten the path on which you may have taken a wrong turn. I have NEVER in all the years I have attended conferences, camps, and retreats (Not including those I was a speaker in ... mind you. Speaking and participating are two different functions and have two different results) ever experienced a dry moment in my heart! I have always experienced a Spirit-filled outpouring of His Grace in my life. And the interesting thing about all of this is ... I have always left the conference a stronger, better and different man. But this weekend brought something else to my mind, something that I had neglected to consider. These conferences were not planned spontaneously. These conferences and retreats were planned by people with a burden, a purpose, and and a passion to serve God. I have seen excellent people like Larry White, Steve Dye, Joseph Aric Randolph, Lenny West, Ricky Ricky Vicki Milford, Chad Entinger, Chad Fleming, Rev. Jim Smith (Washington), Bob Robert Rhoads, Cindy Knakal, and many others who have planned retreats and conferences with the specific intention of enriching others lives, and they have done an excellent job!!! But I am GUILTY of forgetting to thank them for the excellence they have given to their endeavor!!! With that in mind, I want to REPENT and APOLOGIZE to anyone that I may have offended by not returning to them with thanks! I dont want to be like the other nine lepers who were cleansed and did not return to give thanks! So, today ... I want to thank the LEADERS of the DMG Retreat this past weekend. I think of Steve Big Daddy Dye, Todd Short Stuff Stinson, Derrick Big Hearted Milby, Chase Too Slow Armstrong, Bradley Too Big Miller, Danny Too Sweet Hinton, Corey Too Tennessee Harrison, and Andy Too Loud Warmack for their efforts this weekend. They were excellent hosts, crazy participants, mind boggling busy all weekend! But they never treated me as a beast of burden. They treated me with respect, love and compassion. I needed that! Thank you! I also want to thank a special person for his involvement in making the entire weekend very special, Daniel Ketner. I watched this young man sing all weekend and I was mesmerized with his passion, compassion, and humility in serving the Lord. As quiet as Daniel was this weekend, he was loudest in His praise of our almighty Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you Daniel!!! I neglected to specifically express my thanks to you!!! Gentlemen, if you have not attended a Mens retreat sponsored by your denomination, or your Church, I IMPLORE you with all of the strength of my heart, to attend. Youll never regret that decision! Once again, gentlemen ... THANK YOU!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:25:00 +0000

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