Well now, look at this! It’s Monday and today we all have a - TopicsExpress


Well now, look at this! It’s Monday and today we all have a choice to make! Today, each day, is a choice so let us all choose to make it an awesome day, a beautiful, wonderful and productive day! Just like any other day, today may be filled with challenges, frustrations, opportunities, and even possibilities and that is just to name a few things. So, let us choose today to make the bad, better, the good, great and let us make meaningful use of all that life gives us today! It does not matter what we have chosen to do or failed to choose yesterday, in our past because today we can choose to live at our uppermost and most rewarding level! How should we respond today if something negative comes our way? Well, with love, hope, and happiness of course. Maybe throw in a bit of joy, gratitude and maybe even a bit of genuine enthusiasm to ensure that we make a positive difference. At this point, this second in the history of life on earth, today is the one day that you have to work with so today let us choose to express the phenomenon of our existence in physical form by doing something for another today! Choose today to life up another, to strengthen the dreams, visions and values that meant the most to you and to those of whom you are connected to! Let us each rise above inconsequential negativity and focus on bringing forth more of our spiritual being to this world of ours. Today is a choice and we are all in a position to make the most enlightened, most loving and most meaningful choice we have ever made. Today is YOUR choice, so choose to make it your best choice yet! It is and has been always up to you! I wish each of you your best day today and each day hereafter. God bless each of you and all of those to whom you are connected to or will ever be connected to!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 13:46:21 +0000

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