Well, since Jessica Reid tagged me, I am now listing ten books - TopicsExpress


Well, since Jessica Reid tagged me, I am now listing ten books that have influenced me or affected me. RULES: do not take more than a few minutes and do not think too hard. they dont have to be the right books or great works of literature, just ones that have affected you in some way. then tag ten friends and me so i can see your list. 1. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee I read this in Freshman Year of High School, and I will always remember the profound effect Atticus and Boo Radley had on me. The lessons I learned through those words have stuck my entire life and it has been a re-read many, many times. Also, being raised in a small southern town made it soo relatable. I remember my nervousness for Scout when she was being attacked after the school pageant, I remember the outrage and tears that came with Toms death. That book will always be so dear to me. 2. Diary of Anne Frank - Anne Frank I read this book in the 6th grade, for a project. I remember, with the age I was when I read it, feeling as if Anne and I could have been friends. It made that period of history hit home for me, imagining a real girl writing these words, having these experiences, and it could have been me. I made a model of her hideout with foam board. I still have it in my parents attic! 3. Anne of Green Gables - Lucy Maud Montgomery Silly Anne. My red headed kindred spirit. My bosom friend. So many time her words have said far more than my own ever could. As I read these books and watched the movie, I felt like the stories were not being told about an imaginary character, but about myself. I still feel this way. No matter how much I change I will always be me, just like Anne. 4. Dealing with Dragons - Patricia C. Wrede This was my very first attempt at a fantasy genre, and it opened a doorway that will never be closed. I loved the comedy (and still do). The way Mrs. Wrede takes the average fairy tale and makes it brand new and hilarious will always be how I think of my formative fantasy years, 5. The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown This book has a long, personal story for me. One that I do not tell lightly or freely. But this book will always be a favorite of mine, along with the others in this series. 6. Superfudge - Judy Blume This was my very first chapter book I ever read. It took me a while to get the hang of reading, but once I did there was no stopping me. I probably read this book 4 or 5 times when I was a child. 7. Harry Potter series - J.K. Rowling How to even describe my love for these books. I was basically raised along side Harry. Our birthdays almost match up, the books came out about a year apart, allowing me to basically age as he did. As he was able to handle more as a character, I also matured to be able to handle more as a reader. It was an experience I will always cherish. 8. Jurassic Park - Michael Crichton I only read this book for my first time about 4 years ago, but have read both this and its sequel once a year since, at least. I am terrified of dinosaurs, but once I started reading I couldnt put it down, and ended up reading the entire first book in one night. I am actually re-reading it right now out loud to Phillip. 9. A Prayer for Owen Meany - John Irving This book was required reading in Sophomore Year of High School by my dear friend and teacher, Ashley Scott, who died shortly after I graduated. This was her favorite book, and after reading it, it became mine. I remember the first I read it I hated it... it was so broken and disconnected, it just made NO sense. But then the last three chapters came, it brought all the elements together, and I was left stunned, in tears. It was a beautiful reading experience with a beautiful woman. 10. Time of the Twins / Test of the Twins / War of the Twins - Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman I am counting these as one, because the copy I read was a single book containing all three novels, which I read in one month in 8th grade. It. Was. Epic. And it is a fantasy experience I will not soon forget. As for who Im tagging: Alli Bainbridge, Destiny Bishop Cirillo, Craig Cirillo, Nate Cappleman, and Shelby Batts
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 20:02:05 +0000

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