Were on the cusp of the September Equinox - the Sabian Symbol for - TopicsExpress


Were on the cusp of the September Equinox - the Sabian Symbol for the Sun is Libra 1: A Butterfly Preserved And Made Perfect With A Dart Through It - were on the last few hours of it. We are going into a very interesting period over the next few days. As Ive noted at great length(!) in my blog (which is also sent out as a newsletter), we are about to have a very powerful new Moon - one that will help those who want to raise their frequency to the next level achieve just that. For many, not all, it will take being patient with yourself as you might slip back into patterns that dont fit what and where you want to be going. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun is on the last few hours of Virgo 30: HAVING AN URGENT TASK TO COMPLETE, A PERSON DOESNT LOOK TO ANY DISTRACTIONS There is a need for single-mindedness in application here. Distractions can lead one astray and waste valuable time. As can getting lost in the details. Pushing through with the work, avoiding temptations regardless of whats going on around you will bring the rewards of completion. Stay true to yourself and stay on the path. One-pointedness in application. The need for focus. Seeing something through to the finish. The Caution: Paying too much attention to outside influences. Letting the slightest excuse take you away from what needs to be done - although rigidity of thought or action can lead one to miss creative or intuitive opportunities. What distractions are you allowing to get in the way of what you know you really should be doing? The trick with the September Equinox is to find out where you are stuck, where you sacrifice your needs, your desires, your realities, where you feel you are pinned to a reality that may not reflect you, and then to free yourself from that and take flight into a more beautiful and ideal reflection of who you are. The Sabian Symbol for the Sun at the Equinox is The Butterfly With A Dart Through it.. where do you need to free up your energies? What changes can you make over the next day or days that liberate you from the bondage you might find yourself in? A BUTTERFLY PRESERVED AND MADE PERFECT WITH A DART THROUGH IT This Symbol implies something vital and beautiful being “Preserved” so that the passing of time doesn’t age, decay or destroy it. Beauty in shape or form has been frozen in one moment - denying the natural process of decay. An archetypal death is symbolized; a perfection through sacrifice. As inspiring as this process can be, this can bring difficulties in moving on or changing situations. People can feel stuck with this degree, like they have no choice, can’t move forward are trapped or are being used for something that they don’t agree with. However, this degree does bring some wonderful rewards with longevity and a sense of something eternally good attached to it. Perfection and beauty made immortal. Moments frozen in time. External beauty thats lacking animation. The handiwork of creation on display. Transfiguration. Poster art. The Caution: People being stopped from growth and change. Not letting go. Surrender and immobilization. Pinned down and unable to move. Appearances being everything.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 00:08:25 +0000

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