Western-Style Democracy: Ukraine vs Syria vs Thailand - TopicsExpress


Western-Style Democracy: Ukraine vs Syria vs Thailand Ukraine: The US-EU backed literal Neo-Nazis in overthrowing the elected government of Ukraine during the so-called Euromaidan protests. During recent sham elections, many people in the east couldnt even vote because of ongoing military operations carried out by the illegitimate regime in Kiev. In the west, opposition to the Nazis were intimidated and even prevented from campaigning. Despite this, the partial, basically one-party election was declared a success by the US and EU. Syria: The government in Damascus has finally turned the tide against foreign-backed terrorists that have ravaged the country for several years. Entire cities have had order restored with terrorists fleeing to the countryside in an increasingly futile attempt to continue fighting. The government has held presidential elections. Early voting by Syrians living abroad was actually BLOCKED by EU member states including France. They claimed that armed conflict and the inability of some Syrians to vote inside of Syria where polling could not be conducted made the elections a parody of democracy. This despite rubber stamping elections in Ukraine that took place under the same conditions. Thailand: In recent elections in Thailand (February) the West claimed Yingluck Shinawatra easily won them. This despite the elections featuring only one party and over half the population boycotting them and again, voting not even taking place in several provinces. The EU now demands that Thailand return to civilian rule as soon as possible and demands that elections be held. An EU statement read: Thailand must urgently restore the legitimate democratic process and the constitution, through credible and inclusive elections, Of course, looking at Syria and Ukraine, you can probably assume that credible and inclusive elections means including their proxy of choice, Thaksin Shinawatra, and credible as in he wins without question. This is what Western-style democracy is really all about. Hiding behind elections and the rule of law to shoehorn in proxies that will do the Wests bidding. If their proxy gets in, no matter what the circumstances, it is democracy. If their proxies fail to get in, it is undemocratic no matter what the circumstances.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 05:16:18 +0000

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