What impact Japanese PMs wifes religion can have on - TopicsExpress


What impact Japanese PMs wifes religion can have on India? . Japanese PMs wife is catholic. (my sincere thanks to Jarita for bringing this factoid to all) . Some say, that she was catholic by birth and some say she converted at the age of 20 years. And later she married a guy with promising political career who later became PM. She is now 51 years old and she doesnt have children - her own or adopted. Generally, people who decide not to have kids are often though not always people who have missionary zeal. So there are high chances that Japanese PMs wife has missionary zeal in herself. . If she has missionary zeal in herself, then it is possible that she chose Shinzo Abe, because Shinzo Abe appeared to be promising politician using whom she can perhaps further her missionary goals. So Shinzo Abe may be pro-Missionary with a Shintovaadi posture to fool Japanese people. If he was such a Shintovaadi, then why would he marry a catholic to begin with? . And then US-MNC-owners and Missionaries helped Shinzo Abe rise in Japanese politics for the same reason. Higher the Shinzo Abe comes --- more effective role his wife can play in pushing missionary ideas across world. . Now now if Shinzo Abe wants political favors from US-MNC-owners, then US-MNC-owners may ask and influence Shinzo Abe via his wife to support Missionaries in India. Shinzo Abe cannot support Missionaries in Japan, because he will lose votes in Japan if he tries. But he will lose zero votes if he helps Missionaries in India. . One thing is clear to me --- Japanese PMs wife wants to help Missionaries in India. So she and US-MNC-owners will try their best to influence Shinzo Abe to help Missionaries in India. :Lets see how may Japanese PM and US-MNC-owners will be effective. Old saying goes ek taraf saari khudai , ek taraf joru kaa bhai i.e. on one side, there can be whole wprld and godliness , if the other side has wifes brother , then a man has to support the wifes brothers. consider Missionaries and Japanese PMs wifes brothers i.e. brother-in-law of Japanese PM. . And about p-sec argument that religions of apex-leaders should NOT be made an issue We are soon going to see clash of civilizations. And all countries democracy is weakening and degenerating into oligarchy of elitemen and their partners in politics aka apex-leaders. And these elitemen do want to use religions to motivate their company staff and armies. And so religions of elitemen and apex-leaders is very much as issue for all of us, and so we activists must discuss religious affiliations of elitemen and apex-leaders in public. . SOLUTION : . Instead of depending of Japanese companies to bail out India, we should depend on improving Indian administration and focus on improving Indian comnpanies . The law-drafts such as JurySys, RTR, Wealth tax, narco-tests in public in high corruption cases,
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 04:23:06 +0000

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