What is Going on with Minimum - TopicsExpress


What is Going on with Minimum Wage? https://youtube/watch?v=siW0YAAfX6I&list=WL This video speaks of Minimum Wage as a destroyer of the work force. If you look at it with no analytical thought, you would be cheering for Conservatives who claim it will destroy America. The “assumption” is that current low wages are good and just “part of life these days.” There is another side to this whole situation. It is right in some ways AND totally ignores the fact we have 1% of citizens now owning the majority of money flowing in the US Economy---thanks to the Trickle-Down Bull Shit started under Reagan!!! That new tax code is hitting NC at the state level and has hit the US since it was foisted on us by the great salesman of Borax. If it were working, the problems which hit under George Bush in 1988 would have been resolved years ago. It is the Great Depression repeating itself, but not so great that there are food kitchens, mass migrations, and nobody with work! IF the rich and corps were fair with their workers, this would resolve itself through fair competition and a self-balancing economy. In that concept, the video is correct. HOWEVER, it does not take into consideration the scheming of the rich and the buying of Congress as with the Koch Brothers commercials running now against Senator Kay Hagan. Open your eyes and look beneath the surface of current Conservatism---a selfish, mean, greedy approach to life. How did we let such happen? Why can’t people see through the fallacy of wealth vs. the truth of Jesus’ statement: “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.” This problem has been part and parcel of human nature from the beginning of recorded history. The first murder was between the brothers, Cain and Abel. Cain was a hard-working farmer. Abel was a shepherd. He and his brother both brought the tithe of their work (10%) to make a burnt offering. Cain’s products would not burn. Those of Abel immediately were consumed. In a rage, Cain killed Abel! Instead of blaming God, he blamed his brother and killed him. The entire account is found in Genesis 4:1-16. You should read it with an eye to the cause and effect of GREED and WRATH. Cain was sentenced by God to the Land of Wandering. He was given a tattoo to clearly identify him forevermore. He protested that everyone would want to kill him. God placed a barrier that if anyone did such, they would be punished “seven times revenge from God, Himself.” In other words, he could not die and would have to live with his conscience over how he had killed his brother and the blood went into the ground --- which would no longer produce any crops. It was “Hell on Earth.” NOW---translate that into Election Year 2014. The economy is busted. Hate is rampant. People who worked hard are deprived of homes and income. As the first of the baby boomers I was told by my parents: “Be honest / work hard / get the best education you can / you will be secure in your old age and happy you did your best.” Instead, I am struggling in a bad economy in an impoverished land of Beaufort County. My Social Security check is nowhere big enough to pay for food, lights, property taxes, transportation. Gas and diesel are high enough to make you cry at the pump. Diesel is higher than gas --- when it comes off the refinery 20% before gas! It is essential for any farmer or industrialist doing heavy work with big machines. Even electric power, essential for running the giant digging machines at PCS or HVAC equipment to stay cool/warm is “out of sight.” We are living in a Hell of high cost and low income. When the economy went bust in 1988, how many people lost their homes to greedy banks charging high interest? How many children lost jobs and had to go back home to live in their parents’ house? How many of us get to the end of our monthly check and spend that last week making calls and buying peanut butter and jelly to keep our stomachs from growling in hunger? We are living in the Hell of “not enough money to make ends meet.” Some are turning to crime to just eat and live. Crazy people are taking guns and killing in the same way Cain killed Abel! We now have people “open carrying” in Beaufort County where I feel safe! The old adage in Psychology is: “Frustration leads to Aggression or Regression.” In other words, humans either curl up into a ball of hiding OR become outrageously angry and kill. Steinbeck wrote “The Grapes of Wrath” which described such during the Great Depression. It started with the biblical quote of “Cain killed Abel.” In the Mid-West, “Range Wars” between sheep herders / cattlemen / farmers / oil barons, it led to armed hate and killing. Our battle with Terrorists is a basic war between a “blessed country” like American and a barren desert where people starve. Internally the Middle East is separated between rich Arabs and those eking out an existence and going to bed hungry at night. Their religious leaders are telling them to “kill the infidels.” Our Industrialists are greedy for their oil for our costly comfort. This war is nothing but greed wanting to have it as good as your brother! Cain killed Abel over GREED and WRATH. He felt “unaccepted by God” while his brother’s offering was “accepted.” It was God who blessed or turned his back ---and brothers fought to the death by blaming one another. God’s heart was broken to find blood-soaked dirt / missing son! I have told you a bunch thus far. It’s time for you to figure out what you want to do with your family members ---- KILL OR GO ON WITH LIFE.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 12:18:28 +0000

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