What is Kosher ? What is Kosher Kosher Meat…Kosher - TopicsExpress


What is Kosher ? What is Kosher Kosher Meat…Kosher Pickles…Kosher Deli – In todays world, we encounter the word kosher in almost every section of the supermarket. Anyone can tell you that the term kosher has something to do with the Jewish food market. But what does it actually mean? Many will have to admit that they have no idea… Kosher – a Definition Kosher is a Hebrew word that literally means fit or proper. When used in relation to food products, kosher means that the item in question meets the dietary requirements of Jewish law. The principles governing what is kosher and what is not, are rooted in the Written Torah (the Bible) and the Oral Torah. These laws have been observed by Jews for over 3,000 years. Over the centuries, the Rabbis have explained, detailed and organized these Divine laws, applying them to ever-changing situations and developing technologies. The laws relating to kosher foods are intricate and detailed, and it takes years to master the subject in depth, but the basics are easily understood, as we shall see below. Why Kosher? Why do Jews eat kosher? Through the years, people have suggested theories about the health benefits of kosher food. Some say that kosher food is less vulnerable to parasites and bacteria. Others theorize that the non-permitted species of animals are hunters whose natures might affect the characters of the people who consume them. Be that as it may, the bottom line is that Jews eat kosher because G-d told them to do so, whether or not they understand the whys and wherefores. If this is what G-d commands, the observant Jew trusts that this food is the best nourishment for him, body and soul. It is easier to understand that foods may have latent physical benefits or dangers of which we are unaware. Who imagined a century ago that animal fat would be regarded as a hidden killer? And who would have guessed that the humble carrot was really a cancer fighter in disguise? From the Jewish point of view, kosher food is the optimal diet for our spiritual health, while foods prohibited by the Torah are the trans fats and refined sugars of our unique spiritual metabolism. We may not understand exactly how it works – but we know that kosher is the ultimate Jewish regimen! Misconceptions about Kosher Before we begin explaining in detail what kosher is, lets first clarify what it is not: I thought kosher means that a Rabbi blessed the food – False! There are blessings that observant Jews recite before partaking of food, but that has nothing to do with making the food kosher. A food is kosher only if it conforms to the Jewish dietary laws. Kosher? Sure, I buy kosher-style food all the time – knishes, matzoh ball soup, bagels – False! Kosher is not a style of cooking. Chinese food can be kosher if prepared in accordance with Jewish law. On the other hand, traditional Jewish foods, such as knishes bagels, blintzes and matzah ball soup, can all be non-kosher if not prepared according to Kosher rules. In fact, when a restaurant identifies itself as kosher-style, it almost invariably means that the food is not actually kosher! Kosher? Isnt that just connected to Passover? – False! Kosher dietary laws are observed all year round. There are additional dietary restrictions on Passover, and many foods acceptable for year round use, such as breads and pasta, may not be eaten on Passover. Foods that are kosher for Passover, however, are always kosher for year-round use. What Makes Kosher Food – Kosher? Although, as we mentioned above, Kosher Laws are complex and could many book shelves, the basics can be broken down into the following categories: Permitted and prohibited food sources Preparation of meat Separation of meat and dairy Kosher ingredients and utensils/equipment Kosher for Passover Additional areas Kosher Certification
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 12:55:45 +0000

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