What is a school of spirituality? In general, schools of - TopicsExpress


What is a school of spirituality? In general, schools of spirituality simply means various lineages of writings (and correlate praxis) by saints and holy men/women grouped according to distinct but overlapping emphases. There are at least a dozen major schools along with a dozen or two more minor ones. Martin Thornton talks at length about English spirituality. This means a strain or spiritual lineage made of thought amd practice by both saints/holypeople in the English lands pre-reformation as well as those who live anywhere post-reformation and treat the Prayer Book as regula. There is really nothing nationalistic about it except coincidence of geography, although there are certain shared characteristics according to Thornton. And from the perspective of spiritual guidance -- what Thornton believes to be the heart of the priesthood -- people are attracted to various schools according to temperament or attrait. This also has relevance on the corporate level -- for it may well be Anglicanism in general does not currently have enough of a critical mass of devout members whose spirituality is congruent enough with the very spirituality that birthed the BCP -- that is, the English School. More here: akensidepress/blog/2012/11/what-is-a-school-of-catholic-spirituality/
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:37:01 +0000

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