What is prayer? For me, that is the million dollar question! Vocal - TopicsExpress


What is prayer? For me, that is the million dollar question! Vocal prayer, liturgical prayer, and prayer methods, like Ignatian imaginative prayer or the contemplative prayer of the Cloud of Unknowing, may come to mind; but at a deeper level, I believe that prayer is a fundamental orientation of the heart. Prayer, then, is a process -- a slow, sustained, sometimes trying, mostly undramatic taming of the heart that seems to demand a lifetime of perseverance and persistence. And so, each morning I pray, Lord, turn my heart -- at least a little more -- in the direction of the Cross and Resurrection. We might call this prayer a Paschal orientation of heart. In the Gospel for this Sunday, Matthew 11:25-30, Jesus presents us with the image of a yoke. When I think of a yoke, I imagine the wooden beam used between a pair of oxen to help them pull harmoniously as the farmer plows his field. If the yoke is too tight, the oxen might be uncomfortable or in pain, lessening their productivity; if the yoke is too loose, the farmer might have trouble keeping the oxen on track. I dont know about you but I need the yoke of Jesus. Left to my own designs, I might tend to a rigidity that stifles the Spirit or a formlessness that leads to spiritual waywardness. And God knows Ive been off track more than once in my life. Lord Jesus, fit me with the yoke that will orient my heart into the mystery of love -- in harmony with my brothers and sisters of course! Some of you may have been to Coney Island in Brooklyn to ride the Cyclone, the famous wooden roller coaster. As the carts race up and down the contours of the Cyclone, it seems as if the whole structure is going to collapse, the wooden beams dancing and shaking like a crazed disco dancer. Sometimes my life feels like the Cyclone! And in those moments, I cry out for the rest and refreshment that come from Jesus. Come to me, for I am meek and humble of heart. The quiet humility of Jesus contrasts starkly with the cyclonic disorder of my false self. (The false self is the part of me that wants to pull away from the Cross.) The yoke of Jesus helps me to reset my soul so that I may seek His rest more intentionally, allowing His Spirit to orient my heart into God once again. The deepest desire of Jesus is to espouse our heart, to give us the deep rest of being in him always. The word espouse comes from the Late Latin word, sponsare, which means to betroth -- for two to pledge to become one. Wow! Just as He is espoused to the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus wants to be one with me. Awe-inspiring, beautiful, and maybe just a bit daunting! One of the best ways to cultivate an espoused heart is to spend plenty of time being with the Lord in prayer. I believe Saint Francis de Sales wrote, Everyone should pray for one hour a day; if you are way too busy, you should pray for two hours a day! Jesus lavishes us with love; wouldnt be great if we would lavish some time with Him. Id like to suggest a very simple way of prayer that may help bring order to our spiritual lives. This is not so much a method but a simple, skeletal outline that can bring some form to the occasionally shapelessness of our spiritual practice. The key words are TIME -- PLACE -- POSTURE -- PASSAGE -- PRAY -- ENTRUST. 1. Time -- Regularity and Discipline are important. Before going to bed, choose the bible passage for the next days prayer period (perhaps the daily gospel for Mass) and write into your schedule the exact time for your date with God -- and be faithful to it! Choosing the passage the night before may prepare your consciousness for your encounter with God. 2. Place -- Create a sacred space in your home that helps to bring you into Gods presence. 3. Posture -- Choose a prayer posture or two that best expresses your love. The body is important in prayer. 4. Passage -- Read a brief passage of scripture, savoring each word slowly and affectionately. You may wish to read the passage a few times. 5. Pray -- Speak to the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit from the Heart and then listen to their response. 6. Entrust yourself to Mary, the Mother of God, giving her permission to help you put on the yoke of her Son. Remember, God loves us for our fidelity, not our successes. Establishing a discipline of prayer encounter with God is the best gift you can give to yourself and your family. Be faithful, even when your yoke has been too loose! And beware of allowing the yoke to become rigid. Any prayer suggestion is only a means, not the end. Dear friends, lets unite in praying from the heart each day. Lets take on the gentle yoke of Jesus, so that all of us may pull together harmoniously to the beat of the heavenward march. Lets never forgot that Jesus deepest desire is to be one with us. Id like to conclude with these beautiful words of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, who teaches us how to entrust all things to Mary, our Mother: In dangers, in doubts, in difficulties, think of Mary, call upon Mary. Let not her name depart from your lips, never suffer it to leave your heart. And that you may obtain the assistance of her prayer, neglect not to walk in her footsteps. With her for guide, you shall never go astray; while invoking her, you shall never lose heart; so long as she is in your mind, you are safe from deception; while she holds your hand, you cannot fall; under her protection you have nothing to fear; if she walks before you, you shall not grow weary; if she shows you favor, you shall reach the goal. --Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Father and Doctor of the Church (1090-1153 AD)
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 23:47:41 +0000

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