What is racism? Racism is the belief that there is a difference - TopicsExpress


What is racism? Racism is the belief that there is a difference between two or more peoples. Usually those differences are superficial in nature, yet the hate it breeds is not. This hate extends beyond petty jealousies and superficial nonsense and goes to a core of the people who hold it so dear that it cannot be let go of easily, or wantonly. It is something that most people take for granted. Like the water they drink, or the air they breathe, it cannot be stopped because it is all they know, all they see, all they care about. It is something we do today. Not because it is right or wrong, not because it is just or unjust, but because it is all that is known to them, all that they hold dear. The hate, the rage, the anger must be extinguished for racism to die a necessary death. It must be freed from the necessary and become unnecessary. It must be let go by people of strong minds and empty hearts. It must be freed from the bonds of self oppression and outworldly ideals. You must let go of your hate, your anger, your rage towards one another, and yourself. In order to survive, you must let that which has chained you to something unreal die a death that must happen. If you cannot, you will never be free. And you will truly be dead inside for it. Let go.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 09:45:03 +0000

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