What is the Role of the AAP in the 2014 - TopicsExpress


What is the Role of the AAP in the 2014 Elections. ichingonline.org/index.html https://youtube/user/LifeBlissFoundation/search?query=politics [young yang] [young yin] [old yang] [young yin] [young yang] [old yin] Cast Hexagram: 64 64 - Sixty-Four Wei Chi / The End In Sight Fire ascends above the Water: The Superior Person examines the nature of things and keeps each in its proper place. Too anxious the young fox gets his tail wet, just as he completes his crossing. To attain success, be like the man and not like the fox. SITUATION ANALYSIS: Resist the rush to completion. Anticipation of fulfillment may callous you before you have fully absorbed the lessons of the journey. The endpoint of this Quest will only prove to be the threshold for another. You are short steps from Mastery on this plane, yet you stride toward Ignorance of the challenges lying beyond. Savor this accomplishment. Fully Become. Take full possession of your world before embarking to discover the next one. That voyage begins soon enough, and you will reminisce about this one. These are the Good Old Days. Changing Lines: There are Two Changing Lines. Click on any of them to read about it! An Old Yin for Line 1 An Old Yang for Line 4 The Old Yin prevails. Hexagram Sixty-Four/Line One: Careless so near to shore, the fox gets his tail wet. Humiliation. [young yang] [young yin] [young yin] [young yin] [young yang] [young yang] Transformed Hex: 41 41 - Forty-one Sun / Decrease The stoic Mountain drains its excess waters to the Lake below: The Superior Person curbs his anger and sheds his desires. To be frugal and content is to possess immeasurable wealth within. Nothing of value could be refused such a person. Make a portion of each meal a share of your offering. SITUATION ANALYSIS: This is an occasion for downsizing to fighting trim. Simplicity and economy are strong defenses against the slings and arrows of Outrageous Fortune. Whether this is a time of want or a time of plenty, it is an auspicious time to shed a dependency. ORIGINAL TEXT Cast Hexagram: Hexagram 64 Wei Chi - Before Completion This hexagram indicates a time when the transition from disorder to order is not yet completed. The change is indeed prepared for, since all the lines in the upper trigram are in relation to those in the lower. However, they are not yet in their places. While the preceding hexagram offers an analogy to autumn, which forms the transition from summer to winter, this hexagram presents a parallel to spring, which leads out of winters stagnation into the fruitful time of summer. With this hopeful outlook the Yi Jing comes to its close. THE JUDGEMENT BEFORE COMPLETION. Success. But if the little fox, after nearly completing the crossing, Gets his tail in the water, There is nothing that would further. The conditions are difficult. The task is great and full of responsibility. It is nothing less than that of leading the world out of confusion back to order. But it is a task that promises success, because there is a goal that can unite the forces now tending in different directions. At first, however, one must move warily, like an old fox walking over ice. The caution of a fox walking over ice is proverbial in China. His ears are constantly alert to the cracking of the ice, as he carefully and circumspectly searches out the safest spots. A young fox who as yet has not acquired this caution goes ahead boldly, and it may happen that he falls in and gets his tail wet when he is almost across the water. Then of course his effort has been all in vain. Accordingly, in times before completion, deliberation and caution are the prerequisites of success. ichingonline.org/img/Fox_drawing.gif - Fox ichingonline.org/img/firefoxsnow.gif - Firefox ichingonline.org/img/Snake%20River_s.jpg - Snake River THE IMAGE Fire over water: The image of the condition before transition. Thus the superior man is careful In the differentiation of things, So that each finds its place. When fire, which by nature flames upward, is above, and water, which flows downward, is below, their effects take opposite directions and remain unrelated. If we wish to achieve an effect, we must first investigate the nature of the forces in question and ascertain their proper place. If we can bring these forces to bear in the right place, they will have the desired effect and completion will be achieved. But in order to handle external forces properly, we must above all arrive at the correct standpoint ourselves, for only from this vantage can we work correctly. CHANGING LINE: Hexagram Sixty-Four/Line One Six at the beginning [yin at bottom] means: He gets his tail in the water. Humiliating. ichingonline.org/img/blackbird_bathing.jpg - Female blackbird taking bath - Landsmeer Holland 2010 photo Lex van den Bos In times of disorder there is a temptation to advance oneself as rapidly as possible in order to accomplish something tangible. But this enthusiasm leads only to failure and humiliation if the time for achievement has not yet arrived. In such time it is wise to spare ourselves the opprobrium of failure by holding back.1 1. Note how this situation differs from that in the first line of the preceding hexagram 63. There the tail gets wet as well, but after completion. (Search the site for hexagram 63 line 1.) Transformed Hexagram: Hexagram 41 Sun - Decrease This hexagram represents a decrease of the lower trigram in favour of the upper, because the third line, originally strong, has moved up to the top, and the top line, originally weak, has replaced it.1 What is below is decreased to the benefit of what is above. This is out-and-out decrease. If the foundations of a building are decreased in strength and the upper walls are strengthened, the whole structure loses its stability. Likewise, a decrease in the prosperity of the people in favour of the government is out-and-out decrease. And the entire theme of the hexagram is directed to showing how this shift of wealth can take place without causing the sources of wealth in the nation and its lower classes to fail. THE JUDGEMENT DECREASE combined with sincerity Brings about supreme good fortune Without blame. One may be persevering in this. It furthers one to undertake something. How is this to be carried out? One may use two small bowls for the sacrifice. Decrease does not under all circumstances mean something bad. Increase and decrease come in their own time. What matters here is to understand the time and not to try to cover up poverty with empty pretence. If a time of scanty resources brings out an inner truth, one must not feel ashamed of simplicity. For simplicity is then the very thing needed to provide inner strength for further undertakings. Indeed, there need be no concern if the outward beauty of the civilisation, even the elaboration of religious forms, should have to suffer because of simplicity. One must draw on the strength of the inner attitude to compensate for what is lacking in externals; then the power of the content makes up for the simplicity of form. There is no need of presenting false appearances to God. Even with slender means, the sentiment of the heart can be expressed.2 ichingonline.org/img/Decrease_s.jpg THE IMAGE At the foot of the mountain, the lake: The image of DECREASE. Thus the superior man controls his anger And restrains his instincts. The lake at the foot of the mountain evaporates. In this way it decreases to the benefit of the mountain, which is enriched by its moisture. The mountain stands as the symbol of a stubborn strength that can harden into anger. The lake is the symbol of unchecked gaiety that can develop into passionate drives at the expense of the life forces. Therefore decrease is necessary; anger must be decreased by keeping still, the instincts must be curbed by restriction. By this decrease of the lower powers of the psyche, the higher aspects of the soul are enriched. 1. [The present hexagram and the following one, INCREASE, are regarded as formed by changes in Tai, PEACE (11), and Pi, STANDSTILL (12), respectively.] 2. Cf. the story of the widows mite in the Gospel of Luke.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 18:43:47 +0000

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