What is the difference between a Braxton Hicks and a Labour - TopicsExpress


What is the difference between a Braxton Hicks and a Labour Contraction? Braxton Hicks are sporadic contractions of the uterus, or otherwise known as ‘practice contractions’. Braxton Hicks are usually short, irregular and painless and are generally felt higher up in the uterus – they feel like a rubber band tightening around your abdomen and releasing. Walking does not make them stronger and lying down often makes them go away. Braxton Hick contractions do not get closer together. Some women will go through an entire pregnancy and not feel a Braxton Hicks. The more pregnancies you have the more evident Braxton Hicks become. This is the complete opposite to that of a labour contraction. Labour contractions might be irregular at first, but over time become regular – no matter what you do (walk, lie down, or have a shower). You can easily pin point when the next one is about to occur. Labour contractions are generally lower, period like, pain or regular back pain. If in doubt, always contact your hospital. A midwife can guide you on the next plan of action if your labour has begun. If you notice any regular tightenings that are not going away (wether you walk, lie down etc), they are getting closer together and your pregnancy is before 37 weeks please give the hospital a call. Braxton Hicks and Labour are often difficult to distinguish between and it is important that if you are going into pre term labour you are assessed immediately.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 05:17:54 +0000

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