What is wrong with you people? By: Noha Fekry So here I am, just - TopicsExpress



What is wrong with you people? By: Noha Fekry So here I am, just waking up from a silly nap; for me if I am not tired and on my way to taking a nap, it would be totally out of boredom. Boredom is considered one of the main aspects, or I may say the only, that is common these days. I woke up having this phrase in my mind “what is wrong with you people?” This phrase was said by an American actor called Ben Stiller in a movie called “Tropic Thunder”. It is considered a new age modernistic sarcastic movie after the sequence of “Disaster Movie” and “Epic Movie”. These movies took the lead or the main theme from the old sarcastic style like the “ Naked Gun” movies, which we grew old watching, and laughing our hearts out at, while our parents could not get ‘what was so funny’ in such ‘lame acting’ as they see it . I think all these kinds of movies are extremely worth watching. We need to have movies such as these to be able to have a greater look at ourselves from the outside, form a different point of view, to make fun of the “utopia” we think we are living in, and to see how ridiculous we look like, while we are trying to be so serious. However, back to “what is wrong with you people”, this phrase was said by the main actor, playing the leader of the army battalion to his African American fellow solider. They were in conflict with the Vietnamese. He meant to say this phrase to his African American soldier and the other, because they were in an argument and reached a dead end. He had a reply, which was “what do you mean YOU PEOPLE!?” The very first thing his fellow dark-colored solider thought of was that he is being harassed by his race in the 21st century! … The funny thing was that the actor himself was not originally dark-colored; he was just acting and he even had a plastic surgery to change his skin color! Moreover, we see other the African American solider within seconds looking at the fake black-skinned actor and uttering “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU PEOPLE”. He was surprised that they still have the notion of racism in mind. Even racism will be silly in such place, because they were totally lost after being abandoned by the “director”, or as I would like to phrase it, “their leader”, if reflected in real life. What I am trying to say is that this specific script line reminded me of our situation in Egypt; how we are very close to racism, even though we do not have different skin colors!! We have this beautiful Nescafe-like skin, us Egyptians. What we are about to witness is a great conflict of minds, a war of intellects. We are falling into this deep, dark, and I would like to call it, dreadful gap; throw this absurd gap aside; we are forgetting what got us here in the first place. We do not know the reason behind the loss of faith in each other. This idealizes the idea of conspiracy that we are breathing in every conversation with one another. We are about to lose our identity and the glory behind our creation as humans. Ironically, we are very close to have ’جمعية الرفق بالانسان", because animals have already learned how to deal with one another unlike us, who seem just about to lose that privilege. We’re getting caught up in our trends, our thoughts, and consuming a lot of energy to confuse ourselves even more. Each group of “people” is dying to control the other. Each group is marketing its ideas for its own interests, with smoky clouds with slogans like “it is for OUR interest all”, and “for OUR salvation”. These groups try forcing their ideas, but force does not mean by hurting physically, instead, it means repeating and insisting on the same utterances. One may think that it is a “manual way” of brainwashing! We are losing one of the main aspects of humanity, which is self-control.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 10:45:32 +0000

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