What most people either dont understand or dont want to understand - TopicsExpress


What most people either dont understand or dont want to understand is reality is not the solid hard matter separated component structure it appears to be. Split atoms into sub atomic particles and you get only a few displaying mass! Split those and get you ones that display properties inconsistent with the concept of mass. Reality is actually tiny packets of bent space and time. Just energy. Whats the matter with matter, is that there is nothing thats matter! Since matter is just dynamic constructs made of energy then its all about perception and interpretation. the whole concept of Reality is based on what your senses tell you and what you have been taught to believe about what your senses have told you. Since most of that is not Fact but is an agreed upon set of best guesses then it shouldnt come as a big surprise that most of its wrong. First off, nothing is immune to being changed especially you. Your body is in a constant state of re-creation. So you have in you only a tiny bit of what used to be you. As for your identity. Each moment, each experience, each decision adds to who you are so you are and expanding equation. (look up Fractal equation). Second off, everyone around you is also a fractal equation that is morphing so why would you think they arent going to change? Third: There is a nearly finite amount of in our world so each time there is gain in one place there is loss in another. This is not to be understated. It is a literal metaphor. Like rich people getting richer. They are in a constant state of taking. So dont tell me its a good thing for them. Its not! One day the Universe will move to equalize normality and it will show them they must give back what they have borrowed. Actually one day they will realize they dont want it and theyll beg the Universe to take it away from them but theyll only be able to give away the burden they so desperately desired. Do you know how hard it is to give away billions of dollars worth of energy? Its not easy. To anyone inside this reality it functions as a closed system and it is very capable of asserting its need to be balanced. No one needs to judge anyone because eventually they will realize their own mistake. I dont gather energy like that to me because Id rather give away energy(as love) then to hoard potential energy and one day have to work off the potential energy I hoarded. That would be hell.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:20:54 +0000

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