Whats disappointing is the presidents flippant dismissal of the - TopicsExpress


Whats disappointing is the presidents flippant dismissal of the Constitution we are both sworn to defend, he writes. It is utterly beneath the dignity of the office. He says he doesnt take suing the president lightly, but Mr Obama is not fulfilling the duties of office. The goal of the lawsuit, he continues, is to hold the president accountable. In my view, the president has not faithfully executed the laws when it comes to a range of issues, including his health care law, energy regulations, foreign policy and education, he writes. He concludes by saying that it is his responsibility as one of the leaders of the legislative branch to push back against an overreaching executive: President Barack Obama offers a reply to House Speaker John Boehner: So sue me The legislative branch has an obligation to defend the rights and responsibilities of the American people, and Americas constitutional balance of powers - before it is too late. One of the key questions regarding Mr Boehners lawsuit - which will have to be approved by Congress - is what it would accomplish. If congressional Republicans truly believe that Mr Obama is violating his oath of office, one possible constitutional procedure to follow would be impeachment and removal from office. Such a pursuit is risky politics, however - a bridge too far, perhaps, for a cautious leader like Mr Boehner. Instead, the speaker has issued clear condemnations of Mr Obamas presidency, but has yet to outline exactly which specific executive actions he will challenge and what judicial remedies he will seek. Such details, if and when they emerge, will go a long way toward revealing the seriousness of his case.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 07:16:22 +0000

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