When I ask which divines I am inclined to it has advanced a lot - TopicsExpress


When I ask which divines I am inclined to it has advanced a lot over the years Ive played TES. Predominantly as playable races in Tamriel I play Nord or Orc. Arena and Daggerfall Ill miss out as I was finding my feet then so well start in Morrowind where my highest level character was a Nord, closely followed by a Dunmer chick. Loved her BTW. By the by I first and for most will say Kyne and Shor/ Lorkhan (and by that extension Talos) are my lighter preferences. The ancient Nordic Pantheon is one of my favourites and something Ill pretty much fall back on. As far as something I truly and completely connected with and that fits my personality and preferences were in the realms of Sithis and Podomay. The Hist and their connection to the dread father are some of my favourite tales. Weirdly enough I dont hold a huge amount of love for Argonians but I think that is ( and I am ashamed) an aesthetic thing. Im not big on their appearance and skill set. It doesnt really fit my play style. Regardless I respect them massively their lore is dark and impressive. As far as lesser Deadra go I love Jyggalag and obviously Sheogorath.... But Jyggalag takes the lead Im afraid. Molag bal is my least favourite, nigh on the one I hate. Hes a massive dick.... Well.... Unless Vivec gets to him of ya know what I mean ..... Nudge nudge...... Malacath is fantastic, and his code worth living by for most my orc characters. His lore is such a tragic tale too. To be continued..... Tell me where your loyalties are my friends.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 14:16:34 +0000

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