When someone hurts you - you know what I mean- the kind of hurt - TopicsExpress


When someone hurts you - you know what I mean- the kind of hurt when you go hide and cry. As long as we are on this earth we will face tribulations/ pain/ lies from people we trust and love. The devil fights constantly to steal our joy- shake our faith- and tries his darnest to get us depressed about life here- in general. If he can make Christians sad- then he wins. We cant be a good witness for Jesus if we, ourselves, dont have the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the only friend in which we can put all our faith- He, alone, will never hurt you . People that cause us pain and hurt us are fueled by the devil himself- these hurtful people must be in pain themselves and just need prayer. Our forever home(heaven) is just around the corner. Read your bible daily for it holds the Word of God himself and will guide you daily. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and dont try to understand everything that goes on- the bible says- if you trust him with all your heart- HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATH.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 11:45:58 +0000

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